HBX Group, the innovative technology behind the Hotelbeds platform

HBX Group, the new umbrella covering all Hotelbeds brands, will be underpinned by new technology that has been redesigned within a year. New trading platform a Database Management System The open-source relational database, according to the parent company, „emphasizes extensibility and SQL compatibility”.

The latter „allows for more efficient use of data and unlimited scalability.” This complete transformation of the site, new architecture and new infrastructure Cloud based HotelBets revealed that HBX „allows a modern global cloud-based technology stack to build its future ecosystem strategy.”

HBX Group, the innovative technology behind the Hotelbeds platform

HBX group logo. Source: Hotel beds

Technological change “effectively prepares the organization for the future, is easy to implement, and benefits accrued through agents with additional operational changes. Easy access to more accurate dataReduced downtime and faster responses,” the parent company said.

„The company has redesigned all viewable channels, including its websites, which are now device-agnostic”

The changes drive a solid increase in booking conversion and are achieved through a The capital investment is 11 million euros. And, as a result, HBX Group is now an ecosystem in the travel world where the company opens up to more travel tech activities.

Better support for customers and partners

By combining the company’s four pillars: technology, data, products and people, the new umbrella is best positioned to deliver to its customers and partners. Full range of travel productsSelling them as a single package, including ancillary services,” the company noted.

„It also includes a multiplier effect that benefits companies that choose to work with the group,” Hotelbetts said.

“Being an actor in the ecosystem allows us to offer interconnected products and services to our customers. are sold bundled together Without problems, they give our customers what they want, when they want it,” said Nicolas Huss, CEO of HotelBeds, regarding this evolution.

In addition, HBX Group “streamlines the purchasing process, while allowing customers to increase sales of ancillary products, promote their business and offer trips. frictionless to the end consumerHuss pointed out in his description of the new ecosystem that includes the four brands that make up the group.

Also cross-sell

To support the shift towards an ecosystem, Hotelbeds’ accommodation, mobility and attraction sales teams have come together as part of the group’s new infrastructure, which will allow them to „feel”. Cross sell all product lines and improve relationships with customers”, will be the point of contact for all business activities.

As part of the evolution towards HBX Group, the company will introduce fintech products in 2024, including travel insurance, payment solutions and multi-currency solutions.

These products are integrated into the company’s core business and provide these services to its customers and partners across their total business volumes. “The extent of these opportunities It’s already big and growing„, they hail from HotelBeds, and research by Spherical Insights & Consulting states that the travel insurance industry alone is currently worth €15 billion and is expected to grow to €99 billion by 2030.

Fintech in the immediate future

“As passengers increasingly seek a travel experience that is connected to all aspects of their trip, we need to ensure that Fulfill this requirement through travel insurance and related financial products,” Huss added.

More information regarding Hotelbeds:

“We have been offering hotels since our inception in 2001 and have since added car rentals, transfers and destinations. Financial services is the next step It’s natural for our business to grow and our customers have asked us to provide them,” said the corporation’s CEO.

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