Five Technologies Changing the Financial Industry Mining and retail sales in 2024 | Canvia | Artificial Intelligence | Internet Security | Technology

As stated therein Convert e-book „Technology Trends Reinventing Business 2024 – 2030”, Five key technologies will drive business growth and change in the coming years.

By the end of this decade the operations of many companies will take a quantum leap.”, Marci Acosta, Kanvia's Digital Services BU director, told Kestion.

read more: Harvard Business and NND Data: Four Technology Challenges Peruvian Companies Prioritize

Technologies that will transform businesses in 2024

The administrator pointed out Artificial intelligenceThe Internet securityDataOps, among other technologies, can impact various aspects of business such as customer experience, Operational efficiency, safety, sustainability and teamwork.

„By 2024, it is expected that there will be a 10% growth in companies adopting these technology solutions. However, this may be exponential, and to the extent that you recognize its benefits, they will adopt it immediately. The administrator promised.

Along these lines, according to a click study, he rated companies They will invest USD 12 million in the technology this year (Exclusively in technology used with Google Bard or OpenIA cheater ChatGPT)

read more: Seven sectors that will increase investment in technology by 2024

The cybersecurity firm recalls generative AI tools "Increasingly sophisticated and accessible".

The cybersecurity firm notes that the AI ​​tools it's developing are „increasingly sophisticated and accessible.”

To Marcy Acosta, The Creative AI It automates key business processes and improves customer experience.

According to a 2022 IBM report, 28% of Peruvian companies have implemented AI, and 40% are exploring its use. By 2024, a significant increase in these figures is expected., A CANVIA administrator explained.

According to one estimate McKinsey „It's an expertise that's in high demand in the world,” Hobber Siccha, director of the Master's Degree in Information Technology Management at Centrum PUCP, tells the management.

For Grupo Fe's specialist and IT manager, he performs functions such as technology Shorten mail, meetings, creating images, reports for presentations

  • Cybersecurity: Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
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For companies Digital transformationCybersecurity remains one of the most in-demand technology trends in the security industry. Internet security In 2024.

This technology combines human experience to detect and respond to threats that organizations are vulnerable to. According to one The ESG survey found that 82% of companies plan to increase their investment in MDR over the next two years.

read more: AI among companies in Peru: Steps from BCP, Creditex, Romex, Scharff and Space AG

Inspired by agile methodologies, DataApps strives to deliver agility and simplicity. Data management. According to Markets and Markets Research, 54% of organizations have experienced better access to data.

  • Care in applications

This technology allows you to monitor and measure the status and performance of applications. According to a Riverbed study, by 2023, 43% of organizations will implement this care solution based on AI and AI. Machine learning.

  • Low code / no code generation

Generating programming codes is a thing of the past. Now, any inexperienced person can create application Without the need to write codes.

According to Gardner, There are currently 12 million low-code developers.

read more: IBM: „Peru has the potential to be the benchmark for artificial intelligence in Latin America”

Sectors that will continue to adopt these new technologies in 2024

According to the study ChangeHe Finance Department It has led to the adoption of disruptive technologies like AI and Blockchain to improve efficiency and customer experience.

„This is a sector that is constrained by the responsibility they have in using data. As such, they need these technologies to take preventive measures against any threat and guarantee their security.„, said a Canvia executive.

Evidence of this is included Biometrics To authenticate the identity of customers in the sale of services.

to NTT Data PeruA consulting firm specializing in technology, it is not surprising that the financial sector is at the forefront of adopting new technologies, as it is the first to start the digital transformation process more than any other sector.

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“The emergence of fintechs like Yap Tungi or Blin has caused financial institutions to acquire them, form alliances or compete aggressively against them.”, said Javier Hoyle, CEO of NTT Data Peru.

For NTT Data Peru, a consulting firm specializing in technology, it is no surprise that the financial sector is at the forefront of adopting new technologies, as it is the first to start the digital transformation process before any other sector.

For NTT Data Peru, a consulting firm specializing in technology, it is not surprising that the financial sector is at the forefront of adopting new technologies, as it is the first to start the digital transformation process before any other sector.

read more: AI, Phishing and Trojans Target Digital Wallets: 8 Cyber ​​Threats of 2024

As stated therein MiningHe said the department has progressed through implementation IoT Y Augmented realityIncreases operational efficiency and stability.

According to Hoyle, the sector is lagging behind on cybersecurity issues There were cases where there were mining companies „Hack”Scams about the sale of mining equipment. However, he sees an opportunity Robotics And this 5GWhat is Chile doing now?

“Miners in Chile are already using robots inside the mine, with trucks entering a remotely operated shaft. This technology is not yet seen in the field in Peru, but pilot projects are underway to test them.said Hoyle, CEO of NTT Data Peru.

The Canvia report also addresses this sector Retail salesBecause it is Experienced technologies such as advanced automation and AI enhance the efficiency and quality of its products.

According to Hoyle, the sector lags behind in cybersecurity issues because mining companies

According to Hoyle, the sector is lagging behind in cyber security issues because there have been cases of mining companies being „hacked”, leading to fraud related to the sale of mining equipment. However, he sees an opportunity in robotics and 5G with what Chile is doing now.

read more: Chile's Altum Labs to expand AI business to Peruvian mining market

For Teamcore, a technology partner for mass consumer companies, one of the most requested solutions in Peru is channel visibility.We have a tool I.A It provides visibility into product inventory movements”, I mean Teamcore CEO Sergio Della Maggiona.

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„This 2024, we are targeting the traditional channel, as we are designing a system to apply the concepts of the modern channel to wineries, which, in addition, represent 70% of mass consumption in Peru.oh„, he told this medium.

In this regard, Marcy Acosta said the entry of AI Bodegas That precedent is further proof of that „Small businesses don't have access to technology.”

While the company has been offering its technology to multinationals operating in the modern channel (supermarkets and supermarkets), it is now targeting the TAT (store-to-store) channel.  (Photo: GEC)

While the company has been offering its technology to multinationals operating in the modern channel (supermarkets and supermarkets), it is now targeting the TAT (store-to-store) channel. (Photo: GEC)

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What are the challenges in adopting these technologies?

For Huber Chicha, Director of Masters in Information Technology Management at Centrum PUCP, the challenges organizations face in incorporating these technologies. Lack of IT skills And traditional organizations are reluctant to make changes.

„There is a huge shortage of technical talent in the world. In the Peruvian case, there is a shortage of talent in creative AI and cybersecurity. In this respect, attracting and retaining technical talent is a big challenge for companies.”Explicó Hobber Siccha.

read more: Companies having trouble finding IT talent: Required profiles and salaries

In this regard, consulting firm Michael Page points to the gap between supply and demand profiles Internet securityFor example, That's 3.4 million professionals.

„Today, the technology industry has 2 essential needs, improving data management and ensuring secure migration to the cloud, and the way to achieve this is a secure environment against cyber threats”, pointed out Vitorio Gotusso, managing director of Michael Page at LinkedIn.

For his part, the administrator Change It has a more practical view because it is challenging to know „At what point should the company switch from one to the other so that lack of knowledge doesn't become a problem later?”

specific, Those who do not adapt to new technological trends will have problems competing.

read more: Canvia is diversifying its technology services to increase market share

About the author

Edgar Velito Limailla

Digital journalist focusing on future life, technology, startups and internationalization of companies. Former economics editor at Diario El Gobierno. Since 2023 it has been part of the administration.

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