New solutions for fruit transport are needed and sought after Germany’s main big discount chain announced that it will completely abandon air transport of fruit and vegetables in the near future to meet climate targets. Softripe, with its unique and patented ripening process, offers the solution. Until now, unripe fruits suitable for transport, as well as non-climacteric fruits, are sufficiently post-ripe or unripe.
However, with Softrip, maximum quantity of green fruits can be transported by ocean containers and post-ripened in consumer countries. Using an AI-based ripening algorithm, the fruit is fully ripened in a biologically optimal way, just like how it happens on a tree. „Ripe, green fruit already contains all the important ingredients. Softripe adapts fruit with optimal conditions for complete and optimal biochemical ripening at any time,” explains Roland Wirth, Director of Frigotec.
Useful fruit will ripen
„Thus, after the softripe ripening process, the fruits can have better properties in terms of brix degree, sweetness, juiciness, aroma and shelf life when ripened on the tree. This means that sea container production, environmentally friendly, can reach the quality level of airline production.” Wirth continues. Softripe technology has already been successfully introduced in Europe and is now being commercialized internationally.
„A mango transport and safety trial was recently conducted in Brazil, in which mangoes ripened by Softripe (Gate variety) were transported by truck over 3,000 km and then entered the supermarket marketing chain, which maintained their highest quality three weeks after ripening,” said Wirth. Explains.
Turbo function In terms of consistency and fruit quality, Softripe technology is a powerful tool for better and automated post-ripening of exotic fruits. Wirth says: „If needed, ripened products can be temporarily stored in a controlled atmosphere. In cases of peak demand or supply delays, the new 'turbo function’ can be used to speed up ripening and maintain good quality. The Softripe team owns to stand I will be happy to answer questions about the technology and its potential applications at this year’s fruit attraction in Madrid.”
Visit the company at Fruit Attraction: Stand 6C10.
For more information:
Roland Wirth
FRIGOTEC GmbH Refrigeration and Process Engineering
Zörbiger Straße 5
D-06188 Landsberg
Phone: +49 34602 305-0
Fax: +49 34602-30525
[email protected]
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