Earthquake Information: Strong Mag. 5.7 Earthquake – South Pacific Ocean, 63 km northwest of Hihifo, Niueas, Tonga, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 8:21 pm (GMT +13)

Strong Mac.  5.7 Earthquake - South Pacific Ocean, 63 km NW of Hihifo, Niues, Tonga, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 8:21 pm (GMT +13)
Earthquake Information: Strong Mag.  5.7 Earthquake – South Pacific Ocean, 63 km northwest of Hihifo, Niueas, Tonga, Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 8:21 pm (GMT +13)

A strong earthquake of 5.7 magnitude at a depth of 25 km

10 Oct 07:34 UTC: First to report: GFZ after 13 minutes.
10 October 07:36: Size recalculated from 5.6 to 5.5. The location of the earthquake was corrected by 3.9 km (2.4 mi) to the NE.
10 October 07:39: Now using data updates from USGS

Update on Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 07:36

A significant 5.6 magnitude earthquake was reported 96 km northwest of Hihifo, Tonga.

5.6 Earthquake 10 October 8:21 PM (GMT +13)

5.6 Earthquake 10 October 8:21 PM (GMT +13)

Tonga was hit by a 5.6-magnitude earthquake 15 minutes ago near Hihifo, Niues, the German Geosciences Center (GFZ) said.
The earthquake struck on Tuesday evening October 10, 2023 at 8:21 pm local time near Hihifo, Niueas, Tonga at a shallow depth of 10 km below the epicenter. Shallow earthquakes are felt closer to the surface than deep earthquakes. As seismologists review the data and refine calculations, or as other organizations release their reports, the exact magnitude, epicenter and depth of the quake could be revised over the next few hours or minutes.
Based on preliminary seismic data, the earthquake may not have caused significant damage, but a slight tremor in the epicenter area may have been felt by many.
Weak tremors may have been felt at Hihifo (pop. 820), located 96 km from the epicenter.
VolcanoDiscovery will automatically update magnitude and depth if these change and follow up on other significant earthquake news. If you are in the area, send us your experience through our reporting mechanism reality or via Our mobile app. This will help provide additional first-hand updates to anyone around the world who wants to know more about this earthquake.

If you were or still are in the area during the earthquake Help others with your feedback and Report it here.

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If you felt this earthquake (or if you were near the epicenter), Share your experience and submit a short „I felt it” report! Other users want to hear about it!
If you don’t feel an earthquake Even if you are in the area, Please report! Your contribution to earthquake science, seismic hazard analysis and mitigation efforts is valuable. You can use your device’s location or map to indicate where you were during the earthquake. Thanks!

Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies

Information: When multiple agencies report on the same earthquake and post similar data, you can have more confidence in the data. It usually takes a few hours until the earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimal accuracy.

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Mac. depth Place Evidence
5.7 25 km 62 km NW of Hihifo, Tonga USGS
5.7 25 km Tonga Islands Raspberry Shake
5.2 10 km Tonga Islands GFZ
5.6 10 km Tonga Islands GeoAu
5.7 10 km Tonga Islands IRIS


[More info]

Recorded aftershocks, latest to (0 earthquakes) (so far, updated frequently)

So far, no aftershocks have been recorded.

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