Dr. Gamaliel Valdes presents the Roman Emsculpt technique

Mexico City – Since its introduction by American company BTL in 2019, the „20,000 sit-up machine” has conquered boundaries with specialists such as surgeons. Gamaliel Valdez Roman, Dr. Gama from Tanning Spa, Proficiency users.

Acclaimed for its revolutionary capabilities in the field of aesthetic medicine, Emsculpt excels in non-invasive body sculpting and fat reduction.

Its nickname reflects its effectiveness: in just 30 minutes, this machine achieves the equivalent of 20 thousand sit-ups or squats, depending on the area used, reduces fat by 20% and builds muscle mass by 16% in four sessions, during which the results are clearly visible.

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MCculpt It's not meant to replace exercise, but it provides the boost you need to feel amazingly good in record time, especially for those who maintain it correct weight, Follow along A balanced diet And they should exercise regularly, and Define abs and glutes By addressing persistent localized fat.

However, it should be noted that this technology is not suitable for people with disabilities Herniated disc, metal IUD, pacemaker, metal prosthesis, epilepsy, active diseases or cancerMedication infusion tubes, clotting disorders, pregnancy, or recent abdominal surgery.

Although he The procedure is practically painless, Depending on individual pain tolerance, and with results lasting up to a year, MCculpt It is not suitable for everyone and is only available in specialized clinics like this one Dr. Gamaliel Valdes is RomanianRecognized as 'Surgeon to the Stars' in his native Mexico.

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„EmSculpt technology is based on high-intensity electromagnetic energy. A single session stimulates thousands of critical muscle contractions to improve muscle tone and strength,” says an expert in aesthetic medicine, a pioneer in offering this non-invasive procedure in his country.

He Dr. Gama In addition to its benefits for the buttocks and abdomen, it ensures that both men and women can take advantage of this technique on the calves, arms and back.
With his growing fame, it is common to see prominent showbiz personalities pop in and out of his clinic.

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Recently, popular actress Olivia Collins underwent a non-invasive procedure Carved at Tanning Spa by Dr. gamma, Express your satisfaction and look forward to future sessions to get even more significant results.


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