Can STNK of a motorbike be pawned in a pawn shop? : Okezone economy

Jakarta – There is Vehicle registration Motorcycles can be pawned Pawn shop? One way to get a loan quickly and safely is to pledge valuables with a financial institution that offers loans as collateral for the goods.

One of these companies is Pegadaian. The state-owned firm is currently registered as collateral for a wide range of valuables, including cell phones, laptops, gold bars, jewellery, cars and motorbikes.

The way to pawn a motorbike in Pegadaian is by submitting the vehicle and the required key documents such as KTP, STNK, BPKB and vehicle purchase invoice if any.

This document will then become Pegadayan’s basic guaranty to determine the value of the loan you can get. Pegadaian itself offers loans from Rp. 1,000,000 with a capital rent of 1% per month (Regular) or 0.05% for 15 days (Flexible).

However, there are several things you should consider before deciding to pawn your motorbike in Pegadaian. Like:

– The vehicle must be in a private name

It is important to know that Pegadaian will only accept motorbikes or other vehicles pledged in individual names as proven by the relevance of KTP, STNK and BPKB documents.

Meanwhile, if the vehicle is not in the customer’s name, the customer must include proof of sale and purchase and a photocopy of the first owner’s ID to verify legal ownership.

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– Vehicle age limit

The motorcycle to be pawned must be at least 5 years old. Not only that, recommended brands usually come from Japan. The reason is that Japanese brand motorized vehicles are very affordable and easy to accept. This also applies to cars.

– Use regional number plates

Apart from paying attention to the completeness of the documents and the age of the vehicle, customers should also pay attention to the motorbike number plate. Make sure that the motorbike you want to pawn has a number plate that matches Pekadayan’s area of ​​operation. This is done to check the motorbike easily and quickly.

This is information about whether motorbike STNKs can be pawned in Pegadaian?

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