BNP Paribas at #VivaTech 2023: discover the program!

„We believe in technology”

Conferences, thematic events, pitches and demonstrations of our innovative products and services will focus firmly on the innovations proposed by BNP Paribas and its partner start-ups during these four days. Organized around three BtoB days 3 main themes:

  • Wednesday, June 14: Mobility for allSustainable movement for all
  • Thursday, June 15: Data for conversion
  • Friday 16th June: A fee for a simple life, Payments that make life easier

In a laboratory area of ​​more than 500 m2, visitors will be welcomed by our experts and a selection of partner start-ups who will present the latest innovations developed together with the start-ups.

On the payment theme, the audience can explore group payment solutions through a personalized immersive experience that allows participants to choose different purchase paths, each ending with a payment interaction according to their profile: for example, customer, independent or retailer.

At the key stage in VivaTech, Marguerite BerardFrance’s head of commercial banking will speak later that afternoon Friday 16 June About funding technology, more specifically deep tech.

On that day Wednesday, June 14 At 11.15 am, Isabelle LockeDirector of BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions participates in a conference on the new challenges of operations.
In the morning, and under the theme of sustainable mobility, we will be launching a new, free digital platform designed to help our customers through the steps of purchasing a vehicle, from selection to delivery, financing, carbon footprint, insurance and related steps. Services. A cross-business plan to consolidate French retail banking, BNP Paribas Cardiff, BNP Paribas Personal Fund And Arval Teams.

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