Biden touts the economy at work in battleground Wisconsin

President Biden on his economic plan a New op-ed On Sunday, Wisconsin, one of the few remaining battleground states, said so-called „bitenomics” were working.

„More than 13 million jobs, including 800,000 in manufacturing,” Biden wrote. and the op-ed Marking Labor Day in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “Unemployment below 4 percent for longest stretch in 50 years. More Americans are of working age than at any time in the last 20 years.

In the wake of the one-year anniversary of the Inflationary Reduction Act (IRA), a sweeping economic law aimed at curbing inflation, boosting employment and reducing the unemployment rate, the White House has spent the past few weeks touting its „Bidenomics” agenda.

In an op-ed on Sunday, Biden pointed to rising wages, increased job satisfaction and the restoration of union pensions and said inflation was „near its lowest point in two years.”

Echoing his earlier opposition to „trickle-down economics” that was part of former President Reagan’s „Reaganism,” Biden said his economic plan would bring jobs and industries back to America.

Stubborn inflation and Federal Reserve interest rate hikes over the past two years have prompted criticism of the Biden administration’s economic policies.

Biden pointed to his focus on clean energy industries, one of which he visited in Milwaukee last month for the IRA’s one-year anniversary.

„We’ve attracted more than $500 billion in private investment to develop clean energy technology, semiconductors and other innovations at home — creating good-paying jobs that don’t require a four-year degree,” Biden wrote.

Biden described a meeting with IBEW electricians at a clean energy factory in Milwaukee last month that „embodies the spirit of Labor Day,” he said, „respecting the dignity of the American worker and recognizing that Wall Street didn’t build America, the middle class built America, unions built the middle class.”

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The president called the American worker a „true hero” and pushed for a proposed Labor Department rule that would extend overtime pay to 3.6 million workers.

„An honest day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay,” Biden wrote. „A mom in Wisconsin making 37,500 a year, sometimes working 60-hour weeks, is now entitled to time-and-a-half for all the time she works more than 40 hours in a week.”

Biden vowed to continue fighting for increased wages, union rights and clean energy policies, arguing that congressional Republicans are blocking increased minimum wages and „attacking unions.”

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