Bawazlu, TikTok agrees to prevent election scams

Jakarta (Antara) – The General Election Supervision Agency (Bawaslu) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with video-sharing social media platform TikTok to prevent the spread of hate speech and hoaxes ahead of the 2024 general election.

„This is the first time that we will have healthy general elections, healthy general elections without hoaxes, without scandals, without bullying anyone contesting general elections, without Tik Tok,” said Bawaslu President Rahmat Bajja at the MoU signing event. on Monday.

He noted that the MoU was signed as a mitigation effort to check the risk of hoaxes spread on social media during the 2019 general elections.

„With many platforms collaborating with Tiktok and Bawaslu, we hope to improve general elections, which will be more argumentative and fair,” he said.

Bhagja expressed hope that social media platforms like TikTok will provide information or educational content about general elections

„We hope that TikTok will collaborate with other social media (platforms) to realize social media channels for both people, especially voters, first-time voters or young voters,” he said.

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Meanwhile, TikTok Indonesia’s head of public policy and government relations Firri Wahid said the signing of the MoU is a form of TikTok’s commitment to promoting fair public elections.

He also confirmed that TikTok will help educate voters about elections.

Wahid added that Tiktok will provide Bawaslu with a dedicated channel to support the agency in its fight against the spread of election-related misinformation on the platform.

„Bawazlu will have a special channel to issue public reports regarding misinformation,” he said.

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Translated by: Henry Sukma, Raga Adji
Author: Uni Arisanti Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2023

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