Artist Susannah Blunt sues Vancouver dealer for damages, theft

Artist Susanna Blunt, who has decorated Canadian coins with Queen Elizabeth II since 2003, has filed a civil claim against a Vancouver dealer, claiming the sculpture „fell like dominoes” at an exhibition. This case was first reported Vancouver Sun.

The suit was filed May 30 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against Vancouver gallery’s Benjamin Lump. Benjamin Lump Art House. The lawsuit alleges that a sculpture was stolen and a piece vandalized from a group show in 2021 during a June 2022 solo show of Blunt’s solo work at his former location in West Vancouver. In addition, Blunt claims breach of contract and breach of duty of care in an „assessable amount.”

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The artist, now 83, said he waited two years to file the claim because of „ill health”.

In the 2022 exhibition, Lump says that a hole was drilled into one of Blunt’s sculptures, causing a „domino effect” that knocked over a plinth and damaged nearby works. The claim describes Lumpy as „careless and negligent” when packaging her pieces after the show. According to the lawsuit, Lump apologized for the damage and promised to reimburse Blunt for the value of the stolen sculpture, „but has failed to do so to date.” Lump also alleged that he did not report the theft to the police as promised to the artist.

talking with Vancouver Sun, Lump said, “I was stunned by this. I do a lot of work for artists. We did a good show, we sold out the room and increased her reputation and fame. We sold two of her pieces. Lump said Art newspaper He learned about the case Vancouver Sun Article.

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„I haven’t heard from him since the end of the 2022 show,” he said. „There was no conversation about compensation for anything.”

Speaking to claims of damaged works, he replied: „We collectively dropped a piece when we were putting it on a shelf. It fell and hit the Plexiglas shelf. The falling piece was damaged – but beyond repair.

A gallery spokesman did not respond ARTnewsA request for comment.

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