A place to learn about business and technology

The countdown to the celebration has begun World Trade Forum In its 2023 edition, this year’s central theme is: 'Purpose, Navigating Uncharted Waters’.

„As Companies They are clear about this objective and can navigate through the whole environment of changes and uncertainty that they constantly experience in the business world and the world in general.

“We believe that WOBI „That belief or definition of clear purpose in organizations is a great tool,” explains WOBI México’s country manager Gabriel Sánchez Araujo about the selection of key content underlying this year’s edition.

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This year, with the clear goal of providing business, motivational and executive education content to hundreds of participants immersed in the world of business World Trade Forum It has designed a program of activities that will allow participants to continue their training, be motivated, gain more tools and knowledge, improve as leaders in their organizations, in their management, and use new strategies to change the operations of their organizations. technologies It is changing the way we do business today.

„Every year we set the agenda related to various topics of interest to our audience. Currently, managers are looking for knowledge that will help them improve their management as leaders in their organizations, for them, the topics that are always present at our conferences are leadership, creativity, change, strategy, innovation, Digital futureCapacity Management, New technologies„Sustainability, that is, all topics that are of interest to them,” Gabriel shares in an interview.

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That’s why WOBI has invited key world-class leaders to join us as speakers in this edition. Steve WozniakCo-Founder Apple and Silicon Valley icon Steve Jobs will talk about „the challenges and opportunities of the future of technology” through his experience at Apple; Artificial intelligence, Cryptocurrencies and the Metaverse: Preparing Organizations for Future Challenges; And this Technical social responsibility and impact on society, among other topics.

Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, will present on „Social Enterprises and the Future of Capitalism” and will be joined by Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and best-selling author. Vendor will provide 'Lead Company Change’ etc.

„Each year we look for speakers with interesting proposals within these thematic axes, entrepreneurs who have managed part of a successful company or created a globally successful business, professors from top business school universities or authors of best-selling books related to these topics,” Sánchez Araujo described the profile of the exhibitors.

Due to the nature of this forum to encourage exchange of ideas, building high-level networks and building valuable contacts and alliances, some of the proposals received regarding the Green Impact Initiative will be taken up during these meeting days. Also to be provided World Trade Forum As Environmental Sustainability Division in the middle of the year.

“This is a contribution that can be made WOBI Improving environmental conditions, putting this platform for companies with these types of initiatives and telling these stories on the platform, and encouraging more companies to develop their own proposals. We believe that organizations are the most important agents of change to reverse these adverse conditions,” explains the man. Country Manager of WOBI Mexico.

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Also, Gabriel shares that all traders, directors or executives of any company and level can benefit from this meeting, even if the forum is thought to be exclusive to a demographic or sector extract.

„The majority of the two thousand people who meet are leaders, managers, business owners, and they are attracted and invested in this educational model because it creates a networking environment conducive to new ideas, businesses or expanding your network. Contacts”, it highlights. WOBI No one industry predominates over another, as participants include employees from financial services, consulting firms, mining, retailers, entrepreneurs, and the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

“They come from all sectors of the economy because our content is relevant to any industry,” he concludes.

In addition to the conferences, there will be other complementary activities related to the business environment, such as courses, platforms, master classes, lunches, activities, stands, a signed bookstore with some speakers, a media area and relaxation rooms. Other experiences with sponsors.

He World Trade Forum Mexico 2023 It will be held on November 7th and 8th at Expo Santa Fe in Mexico City.

  • John McNeils, Tesla Motors Exp
  • Matthew Parson, businessman and former US ambassador to the United Kingdom and Sweden
  • Kevin Roberts is global head of Australian creative and strategy agency Supercurious
  • Ignacio Martínez Mendizábal, university professor and expert in human evolution

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