A brilliant inventor who was one of the first to hear the Titanic’s distress call (and later instrumental in finding its remains).

Artie Moore

Artie Moore was considered a „freak,” but he picked up the Titanic’s distress signals from thousands of miles away.

When the Titanic struck an iceberg while crossing the Atlantic in 1912, its telegraphers desperately sent out distress calls, hoping that someone, somewhere might hear them.

A radio amateur some 3,000 miles away in England was one of the first responders.

Self taught Arthur Moore He received the signal at a station he built in Blackwood, South Wales.

On hearing the call, he ran to the local police station, but once there his story was not taken seriously.

Although the radio enthusiast was unable to do anything to help those aboard the Titanic, he later developed a rudimentary pattern. Sonar technology This helped locate the ship’s whereabouts decades later.

NATO Inventor

„Artie,” as the locals called him, became known for his radio equipment a year before the Titanic sank.

In 1911, there were He intercepted the Italian government’s declaration of war on LibyaA feat that landed him on the cover of a British tabloid Daily Sketch.


Before there was electricity in the area, Artie Moore used a water wheel to charge local farmers’ batteries.

Born in 1887, Artie and his brother took over the running of a mill from their father and were pioneers and entrepreneurs.

According to Lynn Bask, president of the Blackwood History Society, the brothers owned „some of the first automobiles in the Gwent region,” built machines for local farmers, and provided the area with „first access to electricity” by charging batteries. The generator they built was driven by the mill’s waterwheel”.

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But Arthi’s love for engineering stems from a tragedy.

After Lose a leg An accident at the mill as a teenager inspired him for his first invention: a counterweight on his bicycle that allowed him to ride, pushed down by his good leg.

His scale model of a steam engine won a magazine competition.

His book „Modern Views of Magnetism and Electricity” was awarded the prize for his interest in radiotelegraphy.

Picho Raro

Ham radio enthusiast Billy Crofts, who now lives in London but was originally from Wales, was then Artie. Seen as an eccentric.


Over 1500 people died when the Titanic sank in 1912.

„He hung all these antennas from Jelligros Mill, over the nearby Sirhowie River, and between the trees on the side of an old barn,” Crofts says.

As a result, he explains that Artie can Receive radio messages from a distance More than anyone had ever achieved or believed possible before.

„People thought he was crazy, and believing he could intercept signals through wires was something akin to paranormal psychology.”


In the early hours of April 15, 1912, when Artie cycled to the station to report SOS calls from the Titanic, this was no doubt the reaction of the local police.

„Wow,” the cops joked. We will see. Now go to bed and don’t bother me anymore.

According to Baskin, being from South Wales, Artie was taken very seriously.

Artie Moore

Artie Moore is known for intercepting the Italian government’s declaration of war on Libya in September 1911.

„Pretty soon, newspaper reports appeared and confirmed what Artie had told the police, until the Titanic used the recently adopted SOS distress signal.”

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„It may have been considered witchcraft in Blackwood, but to those who knew and understood, wireless telegraphy was the Internet of the day.”

Bask says Artie’s „genius” was soon noticed by some „very important people”.

Among them, Guglielmo MarconiInventor of radiotelegraph

He had originally predicted that radio signals would travel over 2,000 miles, but Artie had received them over 3,000 miles.

Within a year, Marconi received Recruited entertainment for his wireless company.

As Marconi’s apprentice, Artie designed the first navigable line of communication between Great Britain and the Falklands (Malvinas) Islands during the First World War.

In World War II, that is A pioneer in creating the earliest form of soundA technique that uses sound to navigate, measure distance, and communicate with objects in water.

It helped guide Allied ships around German U-boats in the North Atlantic.

Artie Moore Shed

Artie Moore started his radio career out of a shed in his garden, but soon moved on to bigger things.

Artie retired to Jamaica in 1947, but soon after growing up Leukemia He returned to Bristol, United Kingdom for treatment, where he died a year later.

In 1985, the sonar technology he developed was used to locate the Titanic’s final resting place on the Atlantic Ocean, 73 years after her radio call for help.

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