How technology can collaborate and promote housing microcredit

The housing shortage affecting Argentina is 3.5 million homes. In this context, small loans allow families to face these difficulties. Why technology is essential to facilitate this tool for social change.

In an increasingly connected and dynamic world, technological development has become a key driver of change in terms of social inclusion. Technology is emerging as a powerful ally in opening doors to access to credit, providing an opportunity to raise living standards through significant housing improvements.

In this Act, giveA technology company used in financial markets joins the collaboration Decent housing Improve your plan Micro loans. The purpose is the foundation With interest rates lower than the market average, credit history can be quickly accessed by unbanked individuals looking for financing to improve their quality of life.

  • The Dignified Housing Foundation is a community organization that has been working for over 44 years in the construction, development and furnishing of homes for low-income families. More than 45,000 families are part of its schemes.

According to data from Decent Homes, The housing shortage affecting Argentina is 3.5 million homes, of which 60% are units that have existing but quality problems.. This means that even if a family gets housing, these places have disadvantages like lack of plaster, lack of flooring, dangerous bathrooms. In this context, social microcredit plays a fundamental role in solving these housing problems.

„Microcredit focuses on quality improvement of housing. Our beneficiaries are families who do not have access to bank loans,” he says.Fernando Collado, Director of Microcredits at Digna Housing Foundation. In addition, he clarifies: „The SIISA technology, unlike other solutions we have used before, allows us to quickly access reports, therefore allowing us to offer more loans to people who are not included in the financial system with information about their behavior.” Traditional channels such as appliance stores, sportswear or non-banking financial institutions. Also, by being able to analyze households’ ability to pay earlier, coupled with their commitment to the Foundation’s initiative, recipients of microcredits have a higher percentage of payment compliance.”

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The housing shortage affecting Argentina is 3.5 million homes, of which 60% are units that have existing but quality problems.

Alliance with big companies

In addition to the microcredit initiative for unbanked households, Decent Home Trust Formed alliances with companies to provide microcredits to their employees so that they can improve their housing standards by accessing microcredit with minimum requirements. By working with SIISA business reports, the Trust can assess the profiles of various segments.

„These are families who have jobs but want to improve their home and need funds to do small but essential repairs, solve moisture problems or install a water tank, install a bathroom, separate rooms” so the kids can have their own place,” he says. Collado.

„In both initiatives, both families who do not have access to banking services have received social support and technical advice through a group of architects who voluntarily collaborate to realize the projects that each family group dreams of, the employees of the companies we have contracted to improve their home,” Collado added.

The role of technology

The universe of microcredits has been around for decades, although today the technological development has a peculiarity: it is necessary to provide loans for social purposes. This is the case of micro-credits provided by Digna Housing Foundation, which since the inception of the program, in 1994, has already reached more than 9 thousand loans.

In this regard, the program director clarifies that the bad debt of this initiative is very low: „In our case it has been reduced to 5%. We work with SIISA business reports to carry out the credit assessment of the applicant families, so we can clearly identify their payment capacity.

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give“It has a very friendly interface, easy to consult and with great information,” Collado said, adding: “We noticed that there was more information. giveAs for other credit bureaus we work with. There is much information not only about banking behavior but also from other holistic sources. It promotes the growth of microcredit distribution to households.

For his part, the Director de SIISA, Mariano SocalSaid: „The business reports we produce are designed to minimize defaults in collection and inflationary environments as our customers and partners have reliable data.” And added: „Furthermore, the speed of the response rate we will have” The large number of consultations in the market, like Fundacin Propiedad Digna, allows us to establish impactful business relationships.

In a panorama where technology meets social purpose, the collaboration between SIISA and Dignified Homes is an interesting model of how innovation can break barriers. Formed with a vision to provide housing opportunities to those most in need, this alliance proves that digitization can be a bridge to an inclusive future. The power of technology-based microcredit reminds us that the union of finance and technology can open doors to improved homes and transformed lives, paving the way for an equitable and just society.

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