The invisible generation

Can Sociology Rebrand Generation X as the Invisible Generation?

An invisible generation is a term used to describe a group of people who, despite their importance and contribution to society, are not recognized or valued accordingly.
This generation is made up of individuals who do not belong to traditional demographic groups and therefore do not receive the attention they deserve.

The invisible generation includes various groups such as the elderly, migrants, the disabled and the long-term unemployed. These people often face challenges and difficulties that keep them on the margins of society and prevent them from fully participating in it.

The invisible generation is a group that doesn’t get the recognition or attention they deserve in society. It is important to be aware of their existence and act to ensure that all individuals are valued and respected equally.

On this occasion, we are going to talk to people born between 1965 and 1980. It stands between two great generations. Like baby boomers and millennials. Baby Boomers are known as the powerful and active generation of the past century, while Millennials are known for their influence on technology and social media. This is a lost and underrepresented generation. However, the generation ahead in the economy, they are cultural consumers, they have a work ethic and have no problem studying. Something other generations lacked.

For example, invisible in advertising. Check out just one block. If there was a cream ad for the over-50s, it would be Model 35. Deep down, it’s not just because it’s an impossible desire, it’s an illusion. Mirror reflection is too heavy to integrate itself.

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However, despite its invisibility, today it is a group with purchasing decision-making power. If you include everyone in the world today between the ages of 45 and 65, that would be the third largest GDP after China and the United States.

In the discussion of the best advertising and marketing strategists, they are conspicuous by their absence.
On election tactics… cri-cri. Superheroes and supervillains are young or old. (Adam West’s Batman with undisguised roundness) could have been at least 45 years old, replaced by the handsome Robert Pattinson (vampire in all his guises).

In the job search, going with a CV over 45 years old is like having a P (failure) tattooed on your forehead. Even if someone wants to enter their CV on online search pages, we doubt that an algorithm will automatically reject them.
Undoubtedly everything confirms that generation x was already there … Welcome to the invisible generation.

As we will see in Tomas Balmaceda and Miriam de Paoli’s book Generación invisible ¨Lifetime revolution, it is born from facts and concrete data, but it can only be deeply understood in encounters with other facts around us. That is why it becomes imperative to reframe and rethink our concepts of aging. Or resign ourselves to living without anyone taking us into account.

This annulment, occurring in a Tarantinesque way in the worlds of entertainment, marketing and the labor market, makes significant representatives of this generation fight a fierce battle against the progress of time. Examples are Madonna, Sylvester Stallone, Meg Ryan, Mickey Rourke, Nicole Kidman, and the list goes on. They all do their best not to stop being watched. They did it!

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In short, Generation X is considered the invisible generation due to its intermediate location between the two main generations, less media attention, less participation in politics and leadership, and less marketing attention.

So I’ll leave you until I have an appointment with the surgeon next week…

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