75% of manufacturing fabric already uses cloud computing

As with any survey, its results should not be interpreted as exhaustive. But obviously They at least set trends that should be taken into account. Therefore, the Barometer of Aragonese companies 2023-2024 carefully analyzes any aspect that marks the daily life of the region's manufacturing fabric, which also reflects the growing importance of innovation.

Barometer of the Aragonese companies A business concept study It addresses the situation of Aragonese companies, the challenges they face and their resilience and sustainability capabilities.

The information contained in this consultation provides a quantitative and qualitative snapshot of the reality of the Aragonese business structure, Business support from the Aragonese Development Institute has been of great help in the design of projects -Promoting this initiative in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza-.

[¿Por qué Aragón atrae las miradas de gigantes como AWS o Microsoft?]

Innovation is not discussed until page 38 (of 51) of the final report, although it is already reflected in the document. The most accepted solution by companies to provide management responses to the current economic situation is to create new products. and services (especially in the scientific, logistics, and industrial sectors), prior to cost-cutting, opening new markets, seeking new suppliers, reducing production, and downsizing employees.

But as we said, this Aragonese business includes X-ray A specific area to talk about is how companies innovate Or, if applicable, what importance they place on disruption.

The data perhaps speak best of the importance of technological innovation. 75% of companies in the region already use cloud computing to store and process data.

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Sectors that are most likely to adopt cloud computing Science and Information and Communication -ICT- (76% of companies in these two sectors). Transport, commerce and public administration are closely followed. The sectors that use it least are energy (36% of companies) and agriculture (21%).

[Las ayudas a la transformación industrial de Aragón fomentaron la innovación de 121 empresas en 2023]

The next technology that will have the greatest impact is the Internet of Things, which is already used by 38% of companies. One of the most powerful trends in recent times, artificial intelligence, is present in 19% of companies' processes.

Regarding AI should be said to be the sector that uses it the most in scientific activities, followed by ICT and energy.

by, Robotics (with 14%) and Blockchain (with 4%) less implemented technologies Among the Aragonese companies.

But there is more data on innovation that deserves analysis. That is the truth that emerges first More than half (56%) of the companies surveyed have implemented some form of digital innovation In the last five years.

In more detail, 63% of companies that say they have used digital innovation in the last five years have done so in products and services.; 51% of the company's corporate governance; 38% in manufacturing processes; 25% in marketing strategies; and 10% in logistics processes.

It is also interesting to see Innovation by Sectors and Innovation Types. Therefore, technological innovation has the information and communication sector as its main partner (59% of companies in this sector use it). In contrast, the hospitality industry is its worst ally (only 20% use it).

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Types of innovation

On a global basis, the majority of companies (55%) use digital innovation. The most applicable sectors are scientific activities, transport, wholesale and retail trade, information and communication or hospitality, in this order.

Besides, 38% use technological innovations, with the aforementioned information sector at the forefront, followed by transportationScientific activities, wholesale and retail trade and manufacturing industry.

The Environmental innovation It was important to a third of the Aragonese merchants. The most involved sector is transportation (67% of companies use this type of innovation) followed by industry, agriculture, hospitality and commerce.

Finally, The least used innovation (27%) is social innovation, It has a greater impact on public administration (up to 54% of companies use it), information and communication, and transportation.

The barometer also reveals it The largest innovative impact occurs in the hospitality sector's products and services (76%) and the science sector's supply and delivery methods.

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