Watch the 'planet parade' and comet during Monday's total solar eclipse

When the Moon blocks the Sun for a few minutes on April 8, those lucky enough to be in the path of totality will experience darkness during the day and a spark above the Sun's corona. However, during totality (only) the planets and the comet are present.

Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars are relatively close to the Sun. And so are the other seven planets in the solar system! As a bonus, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks He will be close to one of them.

The importance of the path of perfection

To have a chance to see anything interesting during the eclipse, you'll need to follow this 115-mile-wide path (below) through five states in northern Mexico, parts of 15 U.S. states, and five Canadian provinces:

If you're outside of this path—even if you're close to it, 99% of the time you'll see the eclipse—you won't see anything mentioned here. No totality, no darkness, no corona, no planets (well, maybe one), no comet. A „smiling face” sun through the eclipse glasses.

so, Come to the track!

More from ForbesWhy you owe it to yourself to witness April 8's total solar eclipse

How and When to View the Sun's Corona

When: During perfection.

Spotting the planet during totality is fun, and since totality lasts more than three minutes for some people, there is time to find them in the brief darkness. However, the main sight is the solar corona. It is an awe-inspiring experience for many; All you have to do is look up at a clear sky – and use your naked eye safely. A pair of binoculars offers an incredibly close-up view of the structure of the corona, the pink swirls and prominences around the Moon's limbs.

Note: You want Use solar eclipse glasses for your eyes and solar filters for binoculars at all times except for brief totals.

Top Care Tip: This is what most of the total cost to see—this one An indescribably beautiful sight.

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