This is how the new DGT systems for measuring speed work

In a continuous effort to guarantee road safety and reduce inattention at the wheel, the Directorate of Public Transport (DGT) has developed new systems. Anti-braking radars Revolutionizing the way speed is controlled on roads. These systems are aimed not only at spotting a fixed speed camera and detecting drivers who try to avoid fines by slowing down for a while, but also at penalizing speeders once they cross the monitoring zone.

Until recently, many drivers adopted the practice of simply accelerating when approaching a stationary speed camera in order to avoid detection by the speedometer system. The maneuver, although not punishable under the Highway Code, allowed drivers to bypass the checkpoint without being fined. For speed. However, TGD has implemented a series of advanced strategies and technologies to counter this behavior.

Currently, fixed radars have evolved significantly in design and technology to counter these tactics. Kinemometers are now equipped with Doppler effect technology and highly accurate laser systems, allowing for quick and accurate measurement of vehicle speed. These modern radars are capable of capturing the speed of multiple vehicles at considerable distances, making it difficult to avoid detection.

DGT has gone a step further by implementing an effective strategy known as double, cascading or anti-braking radars. This simple but clever tactic involves installing a mobile radar after a fixed radar. This way, drivers who slow down for a fixed speed camera and speed up again will be detected by the next mobile speed camera and fined. This move has proven to be very unreliable as it discourages sudden reductions in acceleration and speed.

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Also, additional checkpoints have been placed before the speed cameras to prevent sudden reductions in speed. This strategy makes it harder to slow down before going under the radar because drivers are detected before they can take action.

Although braking before the radar is not directly permitted by the Highway Code, it is important to note that Section 53 of the Public Transport Regulations establishes a duty to slow down without endangering other drivers. DGT implements these measures to improve safety on roads to ensure drivers follow rules and drive responsibly.

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