They will add technology to enable a future pilot program to search for lost people

In Puerto Montt, a new coordination meeting was held to advance a pilot project to search for missing persons.

The meeting was chaired by Regional Governor Patricio Valspin, accompanied by Interior Undersecretary Carolina Garrido and Regional Presidential Representative Giovanna Moreira. In addition, the regional heads of the Carabineros, PTI and Prosecutor’s Office and RN Deputy, Mauro González and the Board of Directors of the Corporation Violeta Gutiérrez participated.

Wallaspin highlighted the advancements being made in terms of equipment, including the acquisition of a fleet of drones in the future, which will allow for the addition of more technology.

He thanked the „family members, groups who raised their voice that we need more response from the state at the national level” and encouraged the work expressed by deputy Mauro González.

In this context, the president of the Violeta Gutiérrez Corporation, Miriam Mayerovich, whose mother is still missing, thanked the authorities for their efforts to improve the initiative and search procedures.

Regarding the announcements made in the meeting, it has been informed that coordination with the Directomer Company will be carried out in order to resolve the complaints due to the mishaps occurring in the maritime areas.

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