The technology is useful for giving vaccines to children who fear pain and refuse them

In some cases the patch is better for using vaccines

(Dennis Thompson – HealthDay News) — Lose Children Who is that They don't like vaccines They need a replacement soon Painless skin patchSome researchers say

More than 90 percent of the 190 Gambian children were protected against the disease Measles And everyone was Protected vs Rubella After receiving A dose of the vaccine As shown in the first test results, through the connection. The patch contains an array of fine needles that painlessly penetrate the skin to deliver the vaccine, the researchers said.

„Although it is early, these are very promising results that have generated a lot of excitement. „They demonstrate for the first time that vaccines can be safely and effectively delivered to infants and young children using microarray patch technology,” said the researcher. Ed ClarkeHead of Childhood Immunology at the Gambia Medical Research Council Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

„Measles vaccines are a high priority for delivery through this method, but delivery of other vaccines with microarray patches is now realistic,” added Clarke. „Wait in this place.”

The patches could make it easier to expand vaccine coverage in poor countries, the researchers said. They are easier to carry since they may not require refrigeration and may not need to be administered by a medical professional. Dr. Gambia Medical Research Council Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

In developed countries such as the United States, vaccine patches may offer a more convenient and painless alternative to regular injections, the researchers said. They added that offering a patch-based vaccine would encourage more parents to vaccinate their children.

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After declaring measles eradication in 2000, the U.S. has experienced outbreaks of the highly contagious and deadly virus over the past two years as parents are reluctant to vaccinate.

Larger trials of the compounds are now planned to confirm these results and provide more data, the researchers said.

The findings were published in the April 29 issue of The Lancet.

More info

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has more information about measles in the United States.

Source: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, press release, April 29, 2024

* Dennis Thompson. HealthDay Reporters © The New York Times 2024

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