The Spanish are among the most committed to updated technology

AftermarketMarketplace for Refurbished Products released data from the marketplace with its new service this Thursday Update, A solution to closing the circle of the circular economy in the technology sectorAnd it outlines Spanish consumers They are among the most committed Updated technology In Europe.

In particular, with this new service to Spain, which was launched in the country in April 2023. It is already active in Germany, UK, USA and France, consumers who own a device they no longer use can sell it in an intuitive and convenient way. By aftermarket renewal, from April onwards, 16,394 items were exchanged in SpainThe iPhone 11 is the most sold product.

Also, through this service, Spaniards have won over €2,106,000, Especially during back-to-school, the week around Black Friday and the two weeks after Christmas after Apple's keynote.

In the restructured sector, the market is also exemplified. Europe is the leading continent in its expansion, Spain is among the pioneer users of refurbished electronics with a penetration of more than 5%. On the other hand, In the rest of Europe the adoption of reformulation is between 2 and 5%In other markets, such as the US and Japan, it is less than 2%.

Market share growth

At the European level, compared to sales of new technology, the market share of used and refurbished technology is 12%. That is in one year The market share grew three percentage points compared to 9% in 2022. For the Spanish market, the situation is higher than the European average, as the market share of the renewed technology category in relation to the new is 14%.

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Based on these data, Aftermarket Working to convince Spanish consumers Updated technology It is an option compared to second hand. Provides assurance and quality. Likewise, the company is looking for Create a renewed culture of consumption It goes beyond the smartphone, a category that represents approximately 85% of its turnover in Spain and 70% worldwide.

«The smartphone is the Spanish consumer's gateway to a renewed world. But we want to build other types of technology like tablets, MacBooks or consoles„, comments Martha Castillo, Spokesperson for Back Market SpainIt ensures «One of our main objectives is to extend the useful life of electronics through recycling and improve quality in the refurbishing industry.«.

«We are not a simple intermediary between sellers and buyers of refurbished technology. We play an active role in the entire process to ensure that our customers buy and sell refurbished devices with the best quality, best price and most satisfying customer experience.Marta Castillo concludes.

In this sense, Richard in the game, Director of Sustainable Development in the Aftermarketmentions „4% of global carbon emissions come from using technology, and 75% of the footprint comes from manufacturing devices.«. Therefore, he asserts, “We propose to our clients a solution that provides the best impact on the environment«. «Since our creation in 2014 we have contributed to avoiding 1.3 million tonnes of carbon” says Kamil Richard.

Aftermarket It seeks to do more with existing technology and responds to problems posed by consumer electronics. About consumptionThat is, replacing the device while it still has useful life and work In the manufacture of electronic devicesExploitation of resources and raw materials connected with electronics sector, and E-waste or electronic wasteOne of the fastest growing solid wastes on the planet.

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