The Port of Oswego has a $513M impact on the NY economy

According to reports from the United States and Canadian governments, the Port of Oswego has had a half-billion dollar impact on the state economy since 2018.

„Over the past five years, the port has experienced a renaissance,” said William Schreiber, executive director and CEO of The Oswego Port Authority.

Schreiber believes that thanks to the money spent.

„If you build it, they will come,” he said, „and that’s our goal. We’re building our facilities to allow new customers and expand existing customers.

They must have come. After adding new equipment, repairing docks and marketing in a specific way, the Port of Oswego now accounts for 63% of commercial revenue, 49% of economic activity and 43% of local purchases of New York ports on the Great Lakes.

„Of the three ports in the system in New York, we have the lion’s share,” Schreiber said. „That’s more than 51% of those areas. Our economic input, operation, commercial business model is proving to be very successful.

In four of the past five years, the port’s Robert J. Received the Louis Basseterre Award. As Micron begins construction on its megafab in Clay next year, the port believes they are well-positioned to make an even bigger impact.

„Transporting large, heavy goods by water by rail or truck is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly,” he said. „So we can play a key role in the logistics transition for Micron at the port.”

At the end of the day, the report reaffirms that the Port of Oswego is a powerhouse.

„I think this will set the market for the Port of Oswego as we are a major contributor to the overall economic viability of Upstate New York,” Schreiber said.

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Schreiber said Micron is in talks to buy more land in preparation. By the next report, he hopes to see them create a billion-dollar impact.

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