The knot: Highly skilled foreign workers add value to the Dutch economy

Highly skilled foreign workers who come to work in the Netherlands represent added value for the Dutch economy. So it is the government's responsibility to make sure that the Netherlands is an attractive place for them to immigrate, De Nederlandsche Bank (TNB) president Klaus Knott told the television program Buidenhof.

Knott was responding to questions about the reports from Peter Wenning, senior manager of chip machine manufacturer ASML. Vennink expressed concern over the vote in The Hague to limit the number of foreign workers in the Netherlands. This is because the company benefits from having enough qualified employees not only from the Netherlands.

According to the country, highly skilled foreign workers „ensure the above-average growth of our economy and our prosperity”. „The last thing we need to do is to ignore Europe. We benefit from European integration and integration of countries outside Europe. We must not start slaughtering the goose that laid the golden egg,” the TNP leader said.

However, what the government needs to look at critically are the consequences of a growing economy. He mentioned extensive electricity, road network and nitrogen placement. This is where the barriers lie, said Knot. He also said that the cabinet should focus on eliminating these.

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