The big swing comes in the FPL where managers are split in the captaincy position

War as captain Fantasy Premier League The mini leagues are set to make huge swings this weekend.

Erling Holland (£14.3m), Cole Palmer (£6.0m) and Mohammed Salah More than 1.2 million FPL managers were given armbands each (£13.4m) in Gameweek 32. Son Hyung-min (£10.1m) is also a popular choice.

Players with the most captains in GW32
player By Capt points*
Holland 4,018,157 6
Palmer 1,343,884
Salah 1,214,289
son 876,437

*Before bonus points are added

Fantasy executives are split on who will make the biggest contribution to an attractive set of fixtures.

The Premier League's top scorer Holland delighted his supporters with a goal in Saturday's opening game as they look to take two bonus points away to 14th-placed Crystal Palace.

Palmer, meanwhile, has amassed 48 points in his last three matches and now visits bottom club Sheffield United.

Salah faces an injury-ravaged Manchester United defense that conceded four goals against Chelsea in midweek, and Son is at home against 17th-placed Nottingham Forest.

Interestingly, even though Salah is the third-favourite captain choice among the public, he is the top choice among the elite group of managers fighting for the world No.1 spot.

Most captained by top 100 in GW32
player By Capt points*
Salah 41
Palmer 25
Holland 19 6
son 17

*Before bonus points are added

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