’The Acolyte’ Showrunner Talks Season 2, More Legends and High Republic Additions

Leslie Headland says she stays off the internet for the most part, which is about the smartest thing I can imagine in her position as showrunner of The Acolyte, given what’s going on online.

But she’s happy to give interviews, explain her thought process, and reveal her endless encyclopedic knowledge of Star Wars and what she wants to bring to The Acolyte.

Now that the show’s finale has aired, The Acolyte talks more about her hopes for Season 2 and what she’s up to. Can not The talk about also gives us some clues. The Reverse New Interview is goodAnd has some solid quotes that could come with Season 2, if it actually does:

When asked if Osha and Kimir decided to move away from being Sid and become something else without labels:

„Yeah, I can’t talk to you about that.”

Welp. A kiss scene was shot between the two of them, but it was never used, leaving „Oshamir” shippers sad and happy.

When asked if she knew a season 2 was happening:

„not for me.”

When asked about what he has planned for a potential season:

  • A relationship between May and Vernestra, now that Sol is dead.
  • Obviously more exploration between the „juicy” pairing of Osha and Kimir.
  • An expansion of Plague’s cameo and a lot of stuff brought over from existing High Republic material and Legends as well. He talks to Pablo Hidalgo about pulling more characters from the High Republic, like Vernesetra.

On the #RenewTheAcolyte web campaign:

It makes her feel good and she loves that people are invested in the show. She is very happy with how the character of the Stranger unfolded, and she really enjoyed creating Anisea, and wants to explore the idea of ​​accidentally creating a religion through the will to survive.

Again, it’s unclear whether Disney is going to pull the trigger on The Acolyte Season 2 due to its high cost and estimated low viewership. But since this is its first live-action High Republic series, it has invested a lot creatively, and there are plans for Season 2, which will embrace what the show’s current fans love. I don’t think they care at all about the toxic YouTuber/Twitter/Critic bombardment reaction to the series, which is not considered.

Hopefully we’ll learn more soon, but my guess is it’ll be a while until we can confirm one way or the other. I started to feel more confident.

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