The abandoned Saab dealership is popular

If something is forgotten and you have a very strong emotional feeling about it: don’t bring it up. That’s what Saab fans must be thinking about the news that a completely abandoned Saab dealership in France is being looted for worse. We tell you The story of the abandoned Saab dealership is famous.

Diving into the internet and the brand’s forums we came across an interesting story a few years ago. The story has everything. Nostalgia, cars and mystery; Abandoned places have something special that inspires us to explore them, adding the recent history of one of Europe’s iconic manufacturers.

The The story begins in the forum Saab Enthusiasts, Abandoned and Intact Saab Dealership Released for the First Time in 2021 Just like that. The owners closed for the day to never reopen, the showroom, workshop and offices all staff left as if to return the next day. But no one came back there.

Induction and bankruptcy

The merchant will It quickly went viral on social media And in other forums related to the engine and nostalgia for the Saab and a few weeks ago it was brought back to the fore by a group of YouTubers who went to Soulless and gave testimonials of the Saab 9000, Saab 9-5 and others. Another Saab 93 was dismantled at the workshop and exhibition.

We know Saab and its bankruptcy history, but the distributor’s history is unclear to us. But that’s what the internet is for and we managed to retrieve an approximate version:

The Saab dealer’s story is bleak. It was founded in 1972 as a family business and thrived alongside Saab as a manufacturer. However, when Saab began to face problems in the 2000s, the health of one of the owners deteriorated, leaving his brother in charge. Obviously, this new manager They mismanaged the business and overcharged customers. The ensuing recession led to the merchant’s downfall. Although liquidation was expected in 2010, for reasons unknown, it never happened, leaving the dealership complex in decaying but recognizable form.

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In recent years A A combination of vandalism and/or collection As it took place and looked briefly, lost things had better remain just that: lost.

Source: Forgotten buildings Y-Chap Blog

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