Scientists have discovered a new element on a nearby asteroid

In a study published in the European Physical Journal Plus in mid-September this year, an asteroid called „Polyhymnia” has the highest measured density of any element detected. EarthIndicates the presence of an element that is absent from our periodic table.
Our Earth is the third celestial body from the Sun after Mercury and Venus. Beyond Earth, we have Mars and Thursday In our solar system. Between Mars and Jupiter lies an asteroid belt, some of which are classified as „near-Earth” asteroids because of their proximity.

Although these asteroids often appear to us as small orbital rocks, their compositions have fascinated astrophysicists around the world. too NASA Scientists are so intrigued by a particular asteroid that they actively pursue it to obtain samples.

In their most recent discovery, a team from the University of Arizona in Tucson identified an unusual density within the asteroid called „33 Polyhymnia.” This density surpasses anything found in our current periodic table, which includes 118 confirmed elements, the largest known element being Oganesson (Og).

Johan Rafelsky, professor of physics at the University of Arizona, shared his perspective: „If these asteroids do indeed contain superheavy elements, it raises many questions about how these elements formed and why most of them have not been discovered outside of asteroids. Yet.”

The study, published in the European Physical Journal Plus, clearly states that Polyhymnia exhibits a measured density greater than any element found on Earth.

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The University of Arizona team has designated Polyhymnia a „CUDO” (Compact Ultradense Object). The element is thought to be stable around atomic number 164, which represents a significantly higher density compared to the densest known elements, including osmium, which is famous for having a large number of protons. Density is primarily affected by the mass of an atom and how closely packed its atoms are within a substance.

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NASA is already developing plans to launch an unmanned spacecraft to examine and retrieve errant samples from the asteroid.

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Earlier this month, the University of Arizona and NASA teamed up to bring samples back to Earth from the asteroid Bennu. These samples are said to be exceptionally rich in carbon, suggesting the possibility of precious metals within some asteroids. More importantly, this mission marks the first instance of an asteroid sample being returned to Earth.

“Plan to go to Mars, Venus...” ISRO chief S Somanath gave details of the upcoming space missions.

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