Uncovering the evolution of a surprisingly pleasant defense strategy of ferns

This article was peer reviewed by Science X Editorial process And principles. Compilers The following attributes…

Meet Lokoman

Scientists have developed a quadrupedal robot that can use its two front legs to pick up…

Apex, the largest Stegosaurus fossil ever discovered, is going up for auction

In May 2022, Jason Cooper, a commercial paleontologist, went for a walk with a friend on…

Dangerous Asteroid 2024 HP Close Encounter: A Picture – 28 May 2024.

We captured a dangerous Earth asteroid 2024 hp A few days after a relatively close, but…

Why do stars mysteriously disappear from the night sky?

An artist’s impression of the binary system VTFS 243. Credit: ESOL. Calçada CC BY 4.0 Astrophysicists…

Watch SpaceX launch Earth-observing satellite into orbit today on Phase 2 of double-header

Today (May 28) you can watch live as the new Earth-observing mission flies into space. A…

Clear your diary for these dates in June, experts say

A geomagnetic storm lights up the night sky above the Bonneville Salt Flat on May 10,…

Mysterious Radiation Visible Around Baby Black Hole 'Morsels’: Science Alert

Nothing is permanent, including black holes. Like other large objects in the universe, over very long…

Ellagic acid may represent a potential dietary intervention for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: review

Ellagic acid is a polyphenolic, non-flavonoid compound found naturally in various fruits such as pomegranates, raspberries,…

Common Ancestor Identified – Researchers Decode Ancient Origins of Horns, Antlers and Oxygons

Lewis V. As part of the Gerstner, Jr. Collections Core, a variety of mammal headgear is…