Quad Bats for Peace in Gaza and Ukraine; EAM says there may be more ties with Ukraine and Russia India News

Amid Israel-Hezbollah tensions, leading to fears of a wider regional conflict in West Asia, the Quad turned its attention to the situation in Gaza, calling on the parties involved to immediately release all hostages and a ceasefire. In their joint statement, they twice underlined the need to prevent the escalation and spread of conflict in the region.

India on Monday issued an advisory to Indian nationals in Lebanon to remain vigilant after Israel threatened action against Hezbollah over the Golan Heights attack that killed 12 children. While discussing global and regional issues, the Quad meeting also focused on Ukraine war and terrorism, Pakistan-based terror outfits LeT and JeM and action against Mumbai and Pathankot attack perpetrators without delay.

In Ukraine, for the second time in 2 years, ministers expressed deep concern over the „tragic and terrible” humanitarian consequences of the war, calling on all states not to use force against sovereignty, territorial integrity and „political independence”. condition.

At a media event later in the day, Jaishankar defended India’s stance on the war, saying India believed there would not be a „decisive end” from the battlefield and that it was important for countries in contact with both sides to remain active and do their best. Action must be moved from the battlefield to the conference table. While he did not confirm whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi would visit Ukraine in August, Jaishankar said he „reasonably” expects Indian engagement with both Ukraine and Russia.


Considerable attention was paid to the joint statement on West Asia, where ministers shared a strong interest in achieving peace and stability in the region and called for an end to any actions that undermine the prospects for a two-state solution, including by Israel. Expansion of settlements and violent extremism on all sides.

According to the joint statement, the ministers reiterated their commitment to a sovereign, viable and independent Palestinian state „as part of a two-state solution that takes into account Israel’s legitimate security concerns and enables both Israelis and Palestinians to live in a just, lasting and secure peace”.

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