Purpose and technology are the central axes of marketing

'Marketing Today' (HEM), a reference meeting for marketing, business and technology professionals, celebrated its twentieth edition with over 3,500 industry professionals in attendance. Antenna 3's journalist Elena Salamanca participated in the event as the Master of Ceremonies..

After a short reception, he gave way Eduardo Gomez MartinChairman ESIC UniversityHe reiterated his welcome to all the conference participants and reviewed the evolution of marketing over its 20-year history. Hoy S Marketing. “20 years ago, the marketing world was different than it is now. Today, however, marketing is experiencing an unprecedented revolution that began with the emergence of the Internet,” explained Gomez Martin.

„We are at a historic crossroads, a turning point that challenges us to rethink practices, strategies, but, above all, our mission.” Hence, the President of ESIC University encouraged all marketing professionals to align their strategies with a purpose. „We don't ask ourselves what we can sell, but what value we can provide to society,” he added.

next, Enrique Benayas, Chief Innovation Officer of ESIC University, The first expert panel of the day began around the keys to marketing today. In his speech, among other things, Penayas highlighted the importance of the role of purpose in the field of marketing, exposing the result of the new ESIC study. Marketing Vision 2024.

„Intent is important, and the role of marketing is to make the intent a fundamental and tangible asset of the company. In addition, it is necessary to communicate and qualify the customer. To do this, we must create a positive impact,” he stressed. The idea of ​​implementing a marketing objective is, “not to be in one position statement”.

The intervention of the CIO ended ESIC UniversityIt's time Ximena Daud, Chief Revenue Officer of Good peopleWho spoke about Revenue Operations. For Daud, “The Revenue Operations „They serve as the driving force of the organization because they represent an unbiased perspective.” According to the CRO, „It is a vital partner of the business in all areas.” All this is the reason A long term and scale defined strategy should be implemented „We're turning strategy into tactics, and we're doing it,” he concluded.

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For its part, Eduardo TivarThe General Director of KIA Spain focused his speech on 'Customer Obsession'. „The Customer harassment Puts the customer first in strategic decisions”, he defined. According to Dewar, being obsessed with the customer means deciding based on what they think, what they want, and the trends they follow. “We design and analyze to serve them Customer journey To all of our audience,” he explained in relation to how you manage this issue KIA Spain.

After tiwar, they took to the ground Lola FernandezMarketing Director of La Vaguada Shopping Center and Jesus HernandezDeputy Director of the same Centre, presented How La Vaguada works to connect brands and consumers. Both agree that long ago, people believed that shopping centers were no longer meaningful compared to online shopping. „But shopping centers don't stand still”, they promised, showing the audience some of their actions and campaigns. „That's why people today, if they have to choose a physical or an online channel, choose the physical one for the experience,” they explained.

close the panel, Alfonso FernandezCMO & The leader of e-commerce – direct to consumer (D2C) At Samsung Electronics, focused on the importance of redefining the raison d'être of brands, he asserted that their purpose „goes beyond communication, it translates into action.” And, for Fernandez, „purpose should be a way of life, not a fashion.”

The second part of Hoy S Marketing It started with a panel of experts Marketing trends, opportunities and challenges moderated that Sema ViscontiDirector of Masters in Digital Marketing and Digital Business at ESIC University – ESIC Business.

The group spoke first Pablo Monge, Managing Director at Globenet Create, „Compared to the CMO of 2024, the objectives of the CMO of 20 years ago have not changed.” For Mong, the objectives are the same: Stick to the budget and maximize demand and sales to reach the most relevant brand. „What has changed is the complexity we face to achieve that objective with the advent of technology,” he said.

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For its part, Oscar Soriano, Play the founder and CEO gameReflects disturbances in the new mass media And hypermarketing: “Because gambling isn't just for kids pranks. There are more than 3 billion Gamers In the world, the average is 28 years and they earn more than 2,000 million dollars in Spain alone,” he points out. „That's why so many brands have combined their communications game Y al mainstream. In fact, it is very difficult to find brands that are not affiliated with it game „How connected.”

He talked about Inclusive Marketing Esther MorelDirector of Marketing and Communications Ilunion, who emphasized the importance of creating accessible digital content. „We need to be aware of the diversity of the audience and keep that in mind when designing content. Otherwise, our message will not reach millions of people.

The panel also included the participation of Jose Estrada, Global omnichannel manager Inside Rivera's childrenand in Pablo Lopez-BarajasDirector of Special Solutions and Events Adresmedia Advertisingwho studied the evolution of advertising The star is Galicia In this the brand chose to „differentiate” and find a niche in a highly competitive market with many resources.

Hoy S Marketing This year's revelation featured the participation of sportsperson, Ilya TopuriaUFC featherweight champion, along with him PR & Brand Manager, Valentine HernandezHe shared the keys to the brand's success Ilya Topuria

In a pleasant conversation between the two, Topuria explained the lessons he's learned throughout his playing career, which he feels are valid for the organization. Topuria believes that, „To achieve a long-term goal, you must set short-term goals.”

Also, step TopuriaWhen an opportunity presents itself, preparation is key. „The product helps overcome all fears”Disclosure stressed the athlete, whose figure, based solely on his media appearances in the last three months, is worth more than 40 million euros.

Technology used for marketing also had its place in analytics Hoy S Marketing. In a group managed by Carlos Visozo, Chief Technical Officer and Director of Digital Innovation at ESIC University, Regional Vice President and Senior Director, EMEA Digital The changing education profession From Salesforce, MARIA ANGELES SANTOS Y Julio VillalobosThey have shown different case studies of their clients to talk about strategies Customer centric Based on data and AI. According to both, „Personalization requires a good strategy.”Information”.

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For its part, Alberto Granatos, Country General Manager and the President Microsoft SpainAnalyzed Impact of AI on Marketing. “The adoption of AI is changing marketing, improving the customer experience with AI, driving us towards greater personalization; improving data-driven decision-making; And through greater creativity and efficiency of teams,” he highlights.

The following presentations, by hand Cardular rosesInternational expert in strategy and inclusive leadership, and Bernardo Hernandez, Investor and ConsultantRevolved around leadership and marketing. Paper cards He focused his intervention on the importance of personal branding for leadership in the 21st century. Through his personal experience, this expert encouraged the audience to “do what you love”. Asking ourselves where we want to evolve, what we need to do about it, where we want to go, and what we can change.

Likewise, he recommends not going into “automatic” mode. For Cartolari, „We need the opposite of automated behavior, especially in the midst of the current technological disruption and all the changes we're experiencing.” For its part, Hernandez, reflected About leadership and marketing In a presentation, under the title 'The CMO is a CEO'Explains, to move from marketing management to general management, „it's important to be motivated and have an 'outside the box' approach to work.”

According to Hernandez, in this transition, the ally must be technology because „there will be CEOs who are not technologists.” Finally, the closing day of the day was held Sylvia Leal (Phd), International Expert Trends and Technology, which reviewed the key results of the day and explained the opportunities that high-speed marketing offers, as a startup trend. Because, for Leal, „The combination of technology developed in the '80s, combined with AI, gives the marketing manager the opportunity to create a highly personalized customer experience.”

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