Pikachu card returns to Van Gogh museum after causing a riot – ARTnews.com

The Pikachu Van Gogh cards are expected to return to Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum in February or mid-March after riots prevented them from being sold as usual.

The cards were first released last September as part of a collaboration between Pokemon and the Van Gogh Museum. To celebrate the company's 50th anniversary, the cards were produced with the aim of appealing to a younger audience. Their cards depict the iconic yellow Pokemon character in Van Gogh's style Self portrait with gray hat.

The cards were previously suspended for causing riots. The museum limited sales before canceling production of the cards at the end of September. Scalpers are reselling Pikachu with gray felt hat Card at premium.

Pokemon And the Van Gogh Museum decided to reissue the card and other items with Pokemon-themed activities, Lifestyle Asia reported. During this time, the museum shop will have heavy security.

In addition, the card will be available in selected Dutch stores, selling around 100 copies each. However, they are only available to customers who have spent at least €30 ($33) on Pokémon TCG merchandise.

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