Paula Coto: The tech industry has outstanding debts on gender equality

From Marie Curie and Kathryn Johnson to Tu U, Segenet Kelemu and Mariam Mirzakhani, Women throughout history They have made countless and invaluable contributions to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Innovations in science and technology are key drivers of gender equality, offering new opportunities for social and economic change.

But women and girls still face significant barriers to participation in these fields, representing only 35 percent of STEM students today. In the information and communication technology sector, that figure drops to just 3 percent. Without equal representation in these fast-growing fields, women are already falling behind. And in an increasingly online world, the digital gender gap is a growing source of inequality.

UN Women spoke to Paula Coto, a sociologist with a master’s degree in education and public policy – for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and this year’s International Women’s Day focusing on innovation and technology for gender equality. and Postgraduate Lecturer on Education, STEM and Gender Issues. He is currently the Managing Director Women in Technology [Girls in Technology], a non-profit organization that strives to close the gender gap in technology in Argentina and Latin America. In 2022, he received the Anita Borg Foundation „Change Agent ABIE Award”It recognizes women in technology globally who are positively impacting the expansion of opportunities for women and girls.

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