NASA says massive sunspots are set to trigger dangerous M-class solar flares directed toward Earth

As we approach solar maximum, the Sun’s output is expected to increase in the coming months. According to NASA, the solar minimum occurred in 2019, which also marks the beginning of the solar maximum, the period when the largest number of sunspots can be seen. It is expected to peak in 2025, and the Sun may unleash CMEs, solar flares, solar storms and other particles towards Earth, with catastrophic consequences. Amazingly, experts have revealed that the Sun has already exceeded the expected number of sunspots at the current solar maximum.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which has a full suite of instruments to monitor the Sun, recently revealed that Earth could be in the firing line of a sunspot and could be throwing off dangerous solar flares, potentially devastating. .

Dangerous Sunspot

A step Report Via, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) predicts that an active region on the Sun’s surface known as Sunspot AR3415 has a „beta-delta” magnetic field that can trigger solar flares. Today, August 28, there is a 90 percent chance of C-class flares and a 20 percent chance of M-class flares hitting Earth.

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It says, „Sunspot AR3415 has a 'beta-delta’ magnetic field capable of producing M-class solar flares.”

Also, although the chances are slim, there is a 5 percent chance of X-class solar flares as well, the report says. For those who don’t know, X-class solar flares are the most dangerous flares fired by the Sun. It could disrupt global communications and damage satellites. It has also been found that these flares can give even small amounts of radiation to people flying on airplanes. X-class flares can have as much energy as a billion hydrogen bombs!

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About the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory

The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) uses three very important instruments to collect data from various solar activities. These include the Extreme Ultraviolet Variance Experiment (EVE), which measures the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation, and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (EVE), including the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). AIA) provides continuous full-disk observations of the solar chromosphere and corona in seven extreme ultraviolet (EUV) channels.

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