Legendary X-Men artists 'at the center of all the excitement’ in ’90s comics

In addition, Silvestri mentioned one of the most challenging (but fun) aspects of drawing comics. „That’s one of the fun things about comics is being able to bring in different skill sets that people don’t recognize,” he explained. „I’ve never been in the fashion business, but I’ve always appreciated good design, and I’ve always thought that great fashion involves good design.”

„The best of superhero comics and superhero characters, they all have design elements that are evergreen, right? Every version of that character over the decades is a version of whatever look worked best. One day again,” he continued. „So it’s been a lot of fun! I mean, Rob, you’ve obviously created a lot of characters — a lot of the fun is when you get to the drawing board and you start sketching out ideas, right? It’s a process of elimination.”

„Sometimes it happens immediately; it’s like, 'Boom! There it is!’ Sometimes I think, 'Oh, it sucks; destroy it. It sucks; destroy it. Oh, I like that little piece of that one dish—it’s about shoulder-width.’ Suddenly, your design starts to grow out of that and you get that design language in your head and it all comes together,” he said.

„We’re all blessed in this business as creators to be able to do that,” he shared. „As comic book writers, we wear all the hats. We’re set designers, we’re production designers, we’re directors when we’re telling the story. Where else can you do that? No one can really say. Not for us, because nobody puts millions of dollars behind us like you would on a movie. . It costs a few bucks to make a comic book, so we can do whatever we want. Even today, that’s true.”

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„I tell people all the time, because I’ve dipped my toes in all kinds of media—rap and rap, see if you agree with me on this—but compared to all the other media—I don’t care what it is: television, film, video gaming—for your voice as a creator. „Comic books are the most direct, most unfiltered, clear path and way to get your idea out there,” he concluded.

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