Japan’s wooden satellite is almost ready for space

Obviously, space tree There is One thing. Japanese researchers are preparing to launch it World’s first satellite made of wood Following a successful experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS), it suggests Timbers are very sturdy in space.

In collaboration with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), a team of Kyoto University researchers exposed three types of trees to the harsh environment outside the ISS and found that the material was not affected by the surrounding cosmic rays or incoming solar particles. 10 months period, According to To the researchers behind the experiment. Testing began in March 2022 in Japan’s Kibo module aboard the ISS.

The orbital test paves the way for the research team to send a timber satellite into orbit next year in partnership with Japanese logging company Sumitomo Forestry. Nicknamed Lignostella, the satellite will not be made entirely of wood, of course, with only parts constructed of aluminum.

After inspection Of the three different types of wood on board the ISS, the team decided that magnolia wood was the most durable type due to its overall strength and hence would be used to build the test satellite.

When you think of building a spacecraft into orbit, the last thing that comes to mind is transporting logs into space. However, as recent testing shows, the tree has not exploded, peeled, disintegrated or suffered any surface damage after hanging out in low-Earth orbit for a year.

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Because wood burns completely on re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, metal satellites do not break up into space debris or burn aluminum, which would have a negative environmental impact on the atmosphere.

Another advantage is that there is no wood Blocks electromagnetic waves so the satellite can place its antennas inside its wooden body instead of outside. So, rather than thinking of Futurama Bender attempts to downgrade by rebuilding himself from the wooden parts of the daring Japanese spaceship. Actually enhanced by its wooden body.

Yes, natural wood is considered more fragile than other types of materials, but I I won’t Think again.

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