„If the tech world needs software developers, we'll train more than 3,000 people in Barranquilla”


As a leader in education in Colombia, Barranquilla provides children and youth with the tools that allow them to face the challenges of the 21st century. This was demonstrated in the recent launch of the 'More Education, More Innovation' project led by Mayor Alejandro Saar, which will allow the use of data analysis, artificial intelligence and web programming to be integrated into the student training process.

By his account on

Through this strategy, around 3,200 students and their Information Technology (IT) faculty will participate in teaching-learning processes in these technology fields to develop human capital prepared for the digital world and sustainable transformation in DIC.

The district mayor highlighted the importance of training programs in the IT sector, saying, “This is an investment of nearly $2.8 billion, and we are going to train 2,300 students from seven schools – initially – in everything called development. SoftwareArtificial intelligence, and this is very important because leaving school is three degrees: a formal education, a degree in the military, and a degree as a software developer. Software”.

„Today is the demand of the local market, companies around the world want to take highly productive and efficient technology to its maximum power, and have a human staff ready to train, develop and serve here. The world.” .

For Juan Felipe Merino, a tenth grade student at IET Villas de San Pablo, learning about web development was the opportunity to launch his venture. During this official school event, he thanked them for encouraging access to these tools.

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„Thanks to Mayor Alejandro Sir because he is betting a lot on these innovations. He thinks of the youth and more of the people of Villas de San Pablo. I feel grateful to our mayor that technology is now being used more and more so that we can learn, protect and improve efforts.

This young beneficiary added that he benefited 100% from the scheme. „It's something very unique, they gave us a working tool, and I spent day after day, night after night trying to design the website from my house, and thanks to that effort, that page is in the food business today.”

Reach out and invest

This group of prioritized students, who will be certified upon meeting the requirements by Ed-Tech, are in grades 9, 10 and 11 at the following public institutions: Escuela Normal Superior La Hacienda, Escuela Normal Superior del Distrito, IED Villas de San Pablo, IED Juan José Rondón, IED Marie Bouchepin, IET Pais Descalsos, IET Metropolitan Community.

The implementation of the project is possible through a joint agreement with the Santo Domingo Foundation, with support for the implementation of Crack the Code and VélezReyes. +. Resources for the first year reach 2,800 million pesos, of which the district contributes 2,000 million and related companies contribute 800 million.

„Our country and region need young people who are digital leaders: those who know how to create and use technology, help us to innovate and be efficient, which will create more growth and prosperity in our country and region,” said director Maria Velez. and the founder of Crack the Code, an edtech program implementation partner. Vélez assured that the company is committed to training the youth so that they can have better life opportunities.

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For his part, José Francisco Aguirre, Executive Director of the Santo Domingo Foundation, assured, „We lead from the Foundation and express high-impact projects to promote educational change and innovation and facilitate new opportunities for young people to implement their life plans. That is why, with this commitment, 21 of students and teachers We're strengthening 2nd century skills that allow them to be more competitive at work.”

About the project

The aim of the program is to develop and strengthen digital skills and technical skills among children and young people and prepare them for a globalized and competitive world and market with tools that allow them to think more critically.

All this through intra-curricular training (live in the classroom) in software programming, data analysis and the use of artificial intelligence.

Among the training components, the development of computational thinking, using digital tools in today's programming world, such as: Python, JS, PowerBi, ChatGPT, Canva, SQL, etc.


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