Goslada conducts a training day on 'Technology for Social Inclusion'

On the occasion of the International Day of Social Justice

coincides with the celebration of International Day of Social JusticeCoslada City Council, through the Department of Social Services, has created a training day on that day 'Technology for Social Content'. At the closing ceremony of the event, the Representative Councilor for Social and Senior Services, Charo Arroyoand employment council representative, Fernando Romero.

Purpose of this conference es Advances in knowledge and use of technology to reduce situations of social exclusion. To this end, good work practices being developed in the environment will be shared and encouraged to initiate actions throughout 2024.

A presentation of the structure, by the way Jose Ignacio Santas Garcia, 'Social Justice and the Digital Divide: The Virtual Materialization of Social Inequality? Opportunities and Challenges'. Subsequently, the experiences of Techno Truck, La Rueca Association and the Inclusion Committee of Fuenlabrada City Council were shared on the digital divide exposed by Irene Martínez.

The experience of La Rueca Association's Solidarity Technology Bank and the work of the Cibervoluntarios Foundation are pioneers in technological volunteering for more inclusive technological change. Yisel Ramirez intervened to explain it.

Work locally

It should be noted that today is the third day organized by the Košlada City Council in this context of the International Day of Social Justice. Among them, it is highlighted „The local level is a privileged situation because we can gain more knowledge about the reality of the factors that act on the most vulnerable people in our region.”

In this sense, the actions adopted to combat situations of risk or social exclusion have a more immediate translation, and the possibility of revealing networks for inclusion is an opportunity to create more effective actions..

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Precisely, the importance of work at the local level is also raised, indicating that from this level „Deficits and potentials are better addressed and can be better addressed by trying to adapt resources to these needs. The increasing complexity and diversity of needs, demands and problems means that support is essential to amplify the impact potential of interventions.”. Accordingly, it has been decided as follows Builds networks It emphasizes developing local inclusion strategies, finding spaces for reflection and learning to implement better mechanisms for coordination and coordination of actions undertaken.

Making history

Since 2011 the group has been working in the area of ​​social services Koslata social energy. It is a steering group that facilitates meeting, coordination and constant and regular networking between public administration, institutions and organizations and associations working for social inclusion.

It is made up of Municipal Social Services, Municipal Employment Area, Social Work Department for Primary Health Care (SERMAS), various public mental health care resources and socio-health associations.

From this workspace, several objectives are set, such as making social situations and especially vulnerable groups visible and sharing information and disseminating resources useful to the people of the municipality.

In short, it's a meeting place. Reflection, knowledge, professional enrichment as well as the study and analysis of truth, criticism and justification. It is a tool for understanding existing capacities and deficiencies and for developing new forms of community social intervention.

One of the axes of the work Koslata, Social Energy The annual celebration of the International Day of Social Justice, with the aim of giving it due relevance, highlights issues on which various public administrations and third sector organizations must work to advance the realization of rights. Quality of life of citizens.

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