Famous impersonator Jason Statham bears a striking resemblance to the actor

Jason Statham is a famous impersonator who appeared in Fox's “Doppelganger” episode.I can hear your voice” associated with Alexandria.

Jason Stanley Also known as Baton Rouge The_Statham_Boy On TikTok, Davlin is the son of Gaspard, whose real name is Watson, and David Stanley. Both grew up in Alexandria.

„It's a lip-sync game show,” Stanley said of the show in a phone interview from Baton Rouge. “You're so over the top and lip-synching. The contestant then has to guess, and some clues, whether you can actually sing or not. Real singers lip sync with their own voices. Bad singers like me had to lip sync well to someone else's voice. That is the premise of the show.”

There are five rounds and after each round the contestant has to eliminate one singer. If they can guess who the worst singer is, they win $15,000 each round. In the final round, contestants can ask the singers questions. When bad people lie, true singers answer truthfully. They can either keep the money they won in previous rounds or risk $100,000 in the final round to choose who is the best singer.

Stanley is on Episode 7 of Season 3 and watch for free on Fox and Tubi. You can also watch it on Hulu, FuboTV, Sling TV and YouTube TV.

Stanley, who has been acting for 13 years, is often said to have a crush on the British actor.

„Every time I would step on set, someone would mention my resemblance to British action star Jason Statham when I was an extra or a background actor,” he said.

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He never really thought much of the resemblance because he didn't think he could do anything other than be a stand-in or a photo double.

„It's not like I'm going to be a Jason Statham impersonator,” he said. „Well, be careful what you say out there, and be careful what you wish for, because that's when my career took off and really took off.”

While networking and making friends and always being prepared, she met someone who auditioned for a role in „The Hunger Games,” a spoof of „The Starving Games.” Stanley said the spoof was a spoof of the movie „The Expendables” featuring a Jason Statham character named Lee Christmas.

His friend told him about an acting opportunity and told him to approach the casting director. With the ability to act like Jason Statham, he'll get the part. He did. His first major role was none other than Jason Statham.

From there he started acting in commercial films. Because he looks so much like Statham, he doesn't have to do an impersonation. He was hired as he was, which he said „gets better and better as the years go by.”

Before Statham began making his films abroad, Statham's photography doubled for Statham in two films, “Homefront” and “Wild Card,” filmed in Louisiana. Although he was a photo double for Statham, he never met the action star as he was never on set when Stanley was.

„I made a twist there that I would meet him one day,” Stanley said.

Since then, he has continued to market himself as a „Jason Stanley actor” or a „Jason Statham impersonator.” Stanley said that in a handful of Statham appearances around the world, not one tried to do an impersonation, so that takes him to another level. Also, he hasn't seen a Statham impersonator yet.

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„I was able to run with it and in November 2020 I jumped on TikTok,” he said. „I started taking bits and pieces and threw in some content. My biggest hit was playing Jason Statham while dancing like Elvis and Michael Jackson.

She went viral with several videos of her dancing steadily to Michael Jackson's „Smooth Criminal.” It has over 14 million views. He has 1.1 million followers on TikTok and has a total of over 125 million video views.

Because of that exposure, an actor approached Stanley for Fox's „I Can See Your Voice.” They sought out celebrities and impersonators alike for their Doppelganger episode.

“It was a fun audition process from when they approached me,” Stanley said. “Immediately I sent them some clips of me singing and not singing, or should I say singing and lip syncing. And they let me know early on that they were looking for bad singers too. So, I was relieved to know that I could deliver on that front.

After submitting a few initial clips, he auditioned the next day. The ball will be rolling for a wonderful experience on national television, which will be his national television debut, he said.

Stanley has an acting background dating back to high school, but worked as a financial advisor and stockbroker as an adult.

He decided to venture into the film industry after seeing the proliferation of Baton Rouge-made products in Baton Rouge. He's always wanted a plug for Louisiana film tax credits, which he says have created opportunities for actors and others involved in the film industry.

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Although he has acting experience, he started as an extra. But worse than „a face in the crowd” was the extra use of his car.

„It's the worst when you start out,” Stanley said of the experience. „You want to be active, but it's my car.”

He was instructed several times to „forward, back.”

While filming, he saw all the nice light panels and trailers and thought to himself that this is where he should be. He didn't know how it would play out, but he would be ready.

Three months later, he saw an ad on Facebook looking for a business type. Since he is a financial advisor and stockbroker, he thought this role would suit him perfectly.

„I was quick to answer, and the next thing you know, I'm on 'The Philly Kid,'” he said. “My first on-camera experience, it was directed by none other than Jason Connery, son of Sean Connery. The first time I was in front of a film camera, I was with three major stars, and then my life was never the same,” he said.

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