Dying stars form gigantic 'cocoons’ that shake the fabric of space-time

Since the first direct detection of spacetime ripples, known as gravitational waves, was reported in 2016, astronomers have continued to hear black holes humming across the universe. Projects such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Laboratory (Known as LIGO) found nearly 100 Collisions between black holes (and sometimes neutron stars), which shake the fabric of the universe, sending invisible waves rippling through space.

But new research shows that LIGO may soon hear another kind of shaking in space: cocoons of rolling gas ejected from dying stars. Northwestern University researchers used sophisticated computer simulations of massive stars to show how these cocoons create gravitational waves that are „impossible to ignore,” according to research presented this week at the 242nd meeting. American Astronomical Society. Studying these ripples in real life can provide valuable insight into the violent deaths of giant stars.

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