Climate-smart agriculture: Here are the barriers preventing South Asian farmers from adopting next-generation farming strategies.

A researcher from Bangladesh was looking at farms in South Asia to determine why farming practices aimed at reducing carbon emissions were not being adopted.

In a study published in January 2024 Natural climate change, [Missouri State University environmental scientist professor Ashif] Ishtiaq and his colleagues identified key barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture in South Asia: weak institutional capacities; Adequate targeted incentives and limited post-adoption follow-up.

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Ishtiaq explains that adopting these practices not only helps farmers adapt to the impacts of climate change but also conserves soil, water and energy. And many practices and technologies have been proven to lead to higher yields.

Ishtiaq says the project's biggest challenge is the wide diversity of South Asian agriculture.

„For example, in Bangladesh, Nepal, and eastern India, agricultural farms are smaller and farmers are relatively less wealthy, whereas in western India and parts of Pakistan, farmers are more wealthy and have larger farms. . Similarly, soil types and soil nutrients vary across South Asia,” He says, „These biophysical and socioeconomic factors play an important role in determining the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies.”

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