’Cities Creating Solutions: Resilience and Beyond’ in Istanbul


'Cities Creating Solutions: Resilience and Beyond’ in Istanbul

29 September 2023

Where: Istanbul Congress Center (October 4-6) and Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus (October 7)

When: 5 October 2023

Eurocities has partnered with the Union of Marmara Municipalities for the Marmara City Forum (MARUF) 2023. This year’s forum focuses on 'Solutions for Growing Cities: Resilience and Beyond’ and will take place in Istanbul from October 4-7, 2023.

The event will host discussions on a wide range of topics that impact at the local level and will bring urban thinkers together in discussions to make cities more livable, sustainable, resilient and inclusive.

Cities raise questions about the basic needs for a sustainable, high-quality life for everyone. Local governments can combat crises and vulnerabilities in areas such as natural disasters, climate change, economic problems, population density and human mobility. Marmara Urban Forum 2023 plans to rethink and work together as 'solution-creating cities’.

Katharina Bamberg, Head of Migration, will participate in MARUF 2023 to represent Eurocities along with other international city networks. „Marmara Urban Forum is a hub for exchanges and mutual learning,” said Bamberg. „Through this event, the Union of Marmara Municipalities brings together all relevant actors to exchange and learn how to make our cities more inclusive”.

Marmara Urban Council Turkey’s first national urban forum. Union of Marmara Municipalities organizes forum event every two years.

See project to the event.

You can register for the event by This link.

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