Chandra and JWST join the ranks of stunning films

New images combining data from NASA Chandra X-ray Lab And this The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) JWST has just been released! Images feature Four symbols Astronomers demonstrate the capabilities of these laboratories by combining light in visible, infrared and X-ray wavelengths. This includes NGC 346 A star cluster located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). NGC 1672 The spiral galaxy, the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16, or M16), and the spiral galaxy Messier 74 (aka. the Phantom Galaxy).

These objects were popularized by the worshiper Hubble Space Telescope, which photographed them between 1995 and 2005. Since it began operations, JWST has conducted follow-up observations that have provided sharper views of these objects that have captured additional features. Hubble and JWST teamed up last year to provide a multi-wavelength view of the Phantom Galaxy. By combining Chandra’s renowned X-ray imaging capabilities with Webb’s sensitivity and infrared light, these latest images provide a new look at these objects, revealing fainter and more energetic and powerful features.

JWST has given us the most detailed and breathtaking images of the universe to date. It houses the laboratory’s 6.5-meter (21 ft 4 in) primary mirror (made of gold-plated beryllium plates) and its sensitive infrared instruments, near, mid, and far infrared (NIR, MIR, and FIR). Its revolutionary solar shield keeps the observatory at cryogenic temperatures, ensuring it is unaffected by solar interference. Alas, there are some wavelengths JWST cannot visualize, which prevents it from capturing certain celestial phenomena.

Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI, ESO (optical); NASA/ESA/CSA/JPL/STSci (IR); NASA/CXC/SAO/ESA/XMM-Newton (X-ray); Image processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, N. Wolk and K. Arcand

Chandra is one of four NASA astronauts.Large laboratories,” included HubbleThe Spitzer Space TelescopeAnd this Compton Gamma Ray Laboratory. It was deployed in 1999 and has been collecting data on X-ray sources ever since. Data from these as well as optical data from other laboratories were used Hubble and the European Southern Observatory New technology telescope (TNT), additional infrared data from Spitzerand additional X-ray data from the European Space Agency XMM-Newton task.

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These are represented in different colors, and each object is presented at separate wavelengths and as a composite data product. The combination of visible and invisible light and side-by-side comparisons allow many fine details to be resolved. A full list of images can be found at NASA Chandra mission website.

NGC 346

Four renderings of NGC 346 (posted above) showing the cluster based on composite data (top left), infrared data (top right), X-ray data (bottom left), and infrared, optical, and X-ray data (bottom right). This star cluster is located outside the Milky Way in the SMC, about 210,000 light-years away in the constellation Tucana. Different wavelengths are represented in violet (X-ray), red, green and blue (optical) and red, orange (infrared). The web The data reveal plumes and clouds of gas and dust that can fuel the formation of new stars.

These clusters appear as a thick orange cloud running from the lower left to the upper right, with a similar patch at the upper left. Chandra data reveal the remnants of a supernova from a massive star (purple cloud at left) and several young, hot, and massive stars (purple dots). Between the gas plumes, the cluster is densely packed with massive stars (white and blue), while a particularly young and massive star (the bright spot in the purple cloud) is shown to be ejecting powerful winds.

Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI, ESO (optical); NASA/ESA/CSA/JPL/CalTech/STSci (IR); NASA/CXC/SAO/ESA/XMM-Newton (X-ray); Image processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, N. Wolk and K. Arcand

Small young stars and a portion of their powerful stellar wind can be seen in the center of the image, marked by small dots surrounded by a thin purple haze.

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NGC 1672

NGC 1672 is an example of a „barred” spiral galaxy in which the spiral arms extend either side of a central bar-shaped structure. It is located about 5.7 million light-years away in the constellation Dorado. Chandra data also revealed compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes, indicating the presence of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) with a large purple cloud at the center. Other X-ray sources are peppered throughout spiral arms, stellar remnants, dust clouds, and some interstellar black holes.

Optical data from Hubble Revealing the cloudy nature of the arms dotted with bright white and purple stars of varying sizes. It also reveals large clouds of gas, dust, and many other stars surrounding the central belt. The web The data help resolve the dense concentrations of gas and dust in these arms and the larger concentration around the core. The central region is bright and pink, surrounded by a dark silvery cloud, indicating a diverse stellar population and lots of light absorption.

M16 (Eagle Nebula)

Messier 16, also known as the Eagle Nebula, is an object particularly popular for its iconic images.Pillars of creation” – towering columns of turbulent gas and dust that look like fingers reaching outward. This feature was filmed web And Chandra Separately, it combines high-resolution data into infrared and X-ray data. The web Dark columns of gas and dust emerge from the lower edge of the image and extend to the upper right. These are backed by a deep orange haze, indicating diffuse clouds of gas and dust that glow in the mid-infrared.

Credit: X-rays: Chandra: NASA/CXC/SAO, XMM: ESA/XMM-Newton; IR: JWST: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI, Spitzer: NASA/JPL/CalTech; Optics: Hubble: NASA/ESA/STScI, ESO; Image processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, N. Wolk and K. Arcand

Chandra data reveal recently formed young, massive stars that appear as pink and purple spots due to their powerful X-ray emissions. In the combined image, these young stars fly like fireflies in the pre-sunset sky, appearing as pillar clouds.

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M74 (Phantom Galaxy)

Messier 74 is a spiral galaxy (similar to the Milky Way) located about 32 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. This galaxy is of particular interest to astronomers because of its relative proximity and direct visibility to observatories on (or in orbit around) Earth. Messier 74 is fainter than other galaxies in the Messier catalog, making it difficult to resolve with small telescopes. Viewed through powerful telescopes at optical and invisible wavelengths, the massively detailed and complex structure of the Milky Way is revealed.

Hubble optical data already manage to highlight the galaxy’s spiral arms, its bright core, the distribution of stars (purple, white and orange, depending on their size and age), and dust lanes and gas clouds. Still, the web The data outline gas and dust that appear as silvery-blue arms at infrared wavelengths. It reveals the web-like structure swirling within the spiral arms, while X-ray data from Chandra highlight the high-energy activity of particularly young and massive stars.

Credit: X-rays: Chandra: NASA/CXC/SAO, XMM: ESA/XMM-Newton; IR: JWST: NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI, Spitzer: NASA/JPL/CalTech; Optics: Hubble: NASA/ESA/STScI, ESO; Image processing: L. Frattare, J. Major, N. Wolk and K. Arcand

The images are another reminder of the capabilities of JWST, the most powerful and complex probe ever sent into space. They also demonstrate the advantage of combining data from different observatories to optimize the study of the universe at different wavelengths. They are also symbolic in a sense. For decades, NASA’s „Great Observatories” have pieced together data to reveal more about the universe. Combining Webb’s advanced infrared imaging with data provided by these veteran observatories is like „passing the torch.”

In the coming years, JWST and other next-generation observatories – such as Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope – will combine their respective capabilities to find more exoplanets, characterize their atmospheres, observe the earliest galaxies in the Universe, and test the laws of physics in more rigorous ways.

read more: Chandra

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