Cannes hosts the launch of the European Media Industry Outlook report

– Cannes 2023: The European Commission’s comprehensive report provides an overview of the continent’s media sector, focusing on trends, technology and consumption categories.

This article is available in English.

The European Media Industry Outlook is a comprehensive report published recently European Commission (EC), sheds light on the current state and prospects of the continent’s media sector. The report can be found Here, spanning over 100 pages, provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of the European media industry. A panel discussion was held in Cannes. Film market To present the report, it is moderated Sten-Christian SalveerA strategic consultant and leader Cannes is next.

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The team began by highlighting the significant amount of time individuals spend in front of screens multitasking with various technologies and media, averaging 13 hours of screen time per day. This has sparked a debate about whether content or access to customers is more important when it comes to European audiences. The importance of attracting audience attention and supporting European festivals, companies and productions was particularly emphasized.

Lucia Recalde, Deputy Director and Head of the EC’s Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programs Division, explained that the media perspective emerged from the preparation of an audiovisual action plan during the Covid-19 crisis. The aim was to understand the changing landscape of the industry and its future direction. Régault outlined three main drivers of the media perspective: first, the EC adopted a holistic ecosystem approach, considering the interactions between different media sectors; Second, a comprehensive study was conducted to understand consumer behavior and trends, including video-on-demand (VoD) consumption; Lastly, the report aims to identify and analyze technological trends affecting the audiovisual and media industries.

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Bastian Remy, Policy Officer for Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programs at the EC, discussed the stakeholders involved in the process. The Commission works with various producers, streamers and broadcasters to collect data through surveys, questionnaires and reports. However, the response rate varies across sectors, and further engagement with industry is desirable to obtain robust and comprehensive data.

Panel members identified three key pillars of innovation outlined in the report. It first emphasized the importance of intellectual property rights in the industry, exploring the contractual relationships between producers, streamers and broadcasters. The second pillar focuses on technological trends, generative AI, virtual manufacturing and the emergence of augmented reality. The report encouraged European industry to invest more in these areas to compete globally. The third pillar explored consumption patterns, revealing the concentration of consumption on a few topics, and the need to democratize access to data and intelligence on video-on-demand (VoD) platforms.

The important role of broadcasters as delivery vehicles for European content was also emphasized. It was considered important to develop high quality products and services to compete with global platforms. The report highlights the trust and brand value retained by European public broadcasters. In addition, findings from a consumer-preferences survey were presented, revealing an openness to viewing content from different origins, including Europe. However, the availability and promotion of European content were identified as areas for improvement.

The growing importance of the gaming and interactive-media sectors is highlighted. With more than 125 million Europeans playing games daily, gaming was revealed to have a larger market size than music and cinema. The report emphasized the importance of supporting the gaming industry through funding, infrastructure and talent development to foster innovation and competitiveness.

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The discussion also touched on the topic of regulation and the possible implementation of a European content quota. While concerns were expressed about the feasibility and effectiveness of quotas, the panel highlighted the importance of striking a balance between regulation and market dynamics to ensure a diverse and vibrant European media landscape. The report suggested that a combination of regulatory measures, incentives and cooperation between stakeholders could promote the production and distribution of European content.

Panelists acknowledged the challenges European producers face in accessing funding for media projects. The report emphasized the need for a favorable investment climate and innovative financing models to support the growth of the industry. It called for closer cooperation between the public and private sectors, financial institutions and content creators to facilitate investment in European media projects.

Digital transformation of the media industry is recognized as a significant driver of change. The report highlighted the importance of upskilling and reskilling the workforce to adapt to evolving technologies and new media formats. It called for investment in training programmes, internships and apprenticeships to develop skills and ensure a skilled workforce capable of adapting to digital innovation.

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