Astronomy and the future of life

Astronomy and the Future of Life – LPI

The future meeting of astrophysics and life It is scheduled for October 16-18, 2024, at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) in Houston, Texas. The meeting is designed to explore the potential of new interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary research initiatives organized around the theme of the future of life. Presentations related to astrophysics and NASA’s science divisions (astronomy, biological and physical sciences, earth sciences, heliophysics, and planetary sciences) may include topics such as:

  • Technical Signatures (Astronomy, Planetary Science)
  • Future Evolution of Earth (Biology and Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Planetary Sciences)
  • Long-term climate stability and rules of biospheres and technospheres (astronomy, earth sciences, planetary sciences)
  • Possible Future Earths and Exoplanet Observations (Astronomy, Earth Science, Planetary Science)
  • Survival of Earthly Life on Other Planets (Biology and Physical Sciences)
  • Multigenerational Life in Isolated Habitats (Biology and Physical Sciences)
  • Solar/stellar evolution and habitable zones (astronomy, earth science, planetary science)
  • The Sun’s future path through the galaxy and potential climate impacts (astronomy, earth science, planetary science)
  • Concept of long-lived biosphere/planets affects habitable lifetimes of planets (Planetary Science)
  • Stability of planetary systems (astronomy, planetary science)
  • Solar/stellar variability and biospheres and limitations in technical areas (astronomy, earth science, planetary science)
  • Evolution of habitable zones during post-main sequence solar/stellar evolution (astrophysics, planetary science)

Submit an abstract

Abstract Submission Deadline: August 2, 2024, 5:00 pm CDT

Faculty are encouraged to begin the submission process early so LPI staff have time to provide assistance. For help, email [email protected].


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