Alpha Quantum brings quantum technology closer to academic centers

Alpha quantumAlpha quantum

Quantum computing is advancing as an everyday technology in the coming years. In Euskadi, a quantum computing ecosystem is sprouting, supported by many startups, centers, research and education centers and various support initiatives. One of the stars of these projects Alpha quantumThe aim is to spread knowledge about this disruptive technology in educational institutions.

Our goal is to bring the quantum revolution to the public and popularize the community's interest in quantum technologies.”, explain its advertisers from their website.

Among the various activities promoted by this initiative are its quantum literacy sessions, promotion of science culture, promotion of steam industries among students, as well as “Democratize” knowledge of these technologies, as well as attracting and retaining talent capable of developing projects using quantum computing. „We want to respond to changes derived from current needs, integrating new ways of doing things, which is why we are committed to education in this type of quantum technologies.„, they add from Alfa Quantum.

It coordinates its own interdisciplinary team to carry out this educational work.In-depth knowledge of educational system with technical pedagogy”, describe those responsible. The project also has the support of institutional partners such as the UPV/EHU, the Provincial Council, the Landic and Joint Strategy, the Quantum Ecosystem, designed to promote the development and use of quantum technologies in the Biscay region.

Along these lines, they are committed to a change in the educational paradigm that drives the need for students to acquire digital skills, as well as to develop a STEAM learning system in educational centers and institutions. „We seek to promote a change in educational approach to accelerate the pedagogical revolution towards a quantum perspective. We translate and democratize this new knowledge„, they say.

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