A video shared by research organization Schmidt Ocean Institute on Instagram shows a jaw-dropping scene from the underwater world. The clip captures a black-eyed squid floating around carrying thousands of eggs in its arms. This video about a cephalopod is fascinating, but might give you goosebumps.
„One of the few squids that incubate their eggs: Gonatus onyx [Black-eyed squid], the recent #OctoOdyssey dive. The large egg mass is suspended from hooks in the squid's arms, and while carrying it around for months, the cephalopod goes without feeding,” the institute wrote.
„Although they are neutrally buoyant (require no effort to float or swim – they can conserve energy by remaining motionless) hatchling squid cannot swim very quickly and are easy prey for deep-diving marine mammals,” they added. The creature was spotted on Dive 625 in the Caballito Outcrop, Costa Rica.
Check out this incredible video about squid:
This video was shared a few days ago. Since then, the clip has amassed nearly 4.1 lakh views. The share also received more than 28,000 likes. While some called it „cute,” others expressed that the whole thing left them a bit „terrified.”
What did Instagram users say about this video?
„How many of those eggs actually make it and thrive? That's crazy,” asked one Instagram user. „I thought it was pulling an eel. Can't believe hauling so many eggs,” posted another. „Awesome! I'm always in awe of our big beautiful ocean and everyone who calls it home. Thanks for sharing!” Joined third. “Wow, I didn't know a bunch of squid eggs could be like that! It looks like an old blanket,” said a fourth.
„One of the most viscerally terrifying creatures. Thanks to the Schmidt team,” said a fifth person. „I want to watch this all day. Life is so unique and beautiful,” commented a sixth. „The underwater world is terrifying,” wrote the seventh.