From space: Salvadoran astronaut Frank Rubio chats with Hispanic girls and boys about science, astronomy and technology

Guadalajara Mexico – A total of 14 girls and boys from Latin America will talk to the Salvadoran astronaut. Frank Rubio from International Space Station In an untelevised live broadcast, they will talk about science, astronomy and technology 400 kilometers from Earth.

This conversation will take place this Monday at 12:00 pm (Puerto Rico time), thanks to the joint work. Ibero-American Scientific and Cultural News Broadcast (NCC), Ibero-American Educational and Cultural Televisions (ATEI) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), president of ATEI and director of Channel 44 in Jalisco, Gabriel Torres told EFE.


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“This is an unprecedented transmission, there is no other public or private medium capable of making a video call to space, i.e. a link to the International Space Station 400 kilometers from Earth, and we can do it because we are collaborating. Together with NASA, they include us in their annual program to disseminate science.”He explained.

Torres explained that the production process was complicated because, in addition to satellite transmission costs, they invited women, children and adolescents from 14 countries in Latin America, Spain and Portugal, including nearly 100 affiliated television and radio broadcasters. Send ATEI a video with questions for Rubio.

As a result, there was a participation of 391 minors who asked the astronaut about various topics, from which 14 questions were chosen, which included issues such as health, interests and morals of astronauts and life on other planets.

Exchange will be conducted through Ana Cristina OlveraA journalist specializing in science and anchor of the NCC, will be entirely in Spanish and will be open to any public and private media free of charge and broadcast on different digital platforms, Torres said.

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Visitors can learn a little more about the scientific work being done at International Space Station as well as other science-related topics. Rubio will also tell the boys and girls how he became a part of space travel.

Frank Rubio originally hails from Los Angeles, USA and was born into a Salvatore family. He is a helicopter pilot, medical doctor and flight surgeon in his country’s army. In 2017, he was selected as an astronaut and is on his first space flight as part of Expedition 68, which is expected to spend about a year in space.

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