Mexico must act to develop science, technology and

If our history has taught us anything, it’s that great social change is not achieved by decree, but by creating the conditions for innovation to emerge. Like a plant, you must plant the seed in fertile soil, provide it with water and sun, and watch over its growth.

Today is painful but Mexico is behind in this regard. According to OECD statistics, we are among the countries with the lowest investment in research and development, with Colombia (0.298%) and Chile (0.33%), at 0.29% of total GDP and well below the OECD average (2.67%). ) and is a universe away from the most advanced country in this regard, which is Israel (5.43%). In this COPARMEX signal, we analyze some ideas about what our country needs to develop science, technologies and innovation.

What is the importance of investing in innovation and growth?

Investment in these areas creates clear benefits for companies and the country, including:

  1. Increase in Productivity: More can be done with the same resources, thus increasing productivity and income. For example, technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence and data analytics can make processes more efficient and less error-prone.
  1. Job Creation and Addition: While some technologies can replace existing jobs, they can also create new ones. For example, the development of information technologies has created a large number of jobs in fields such as programming, data mining, and computer security. It helps to include marginalized sectors in the labor market and close inequality gaps.
  1. Competitiveness as a comparative advantage: Companies using advanced technologies can be more competitive in international markets. This can increase the country’s exports and income.
  1. Encouragement for innovation: This leads to the creation of new products and services and the improvement of existing ones. This is the trigger for a virtuous chain.
  1. Sustainable economic growth: All these can translate into substantial economic growth for the country. For example, focusing on clean technologies like solar energy and wind energy, Helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote eco-friendly economic growth.
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As in China, Korea, and the United States, innovation is important in all sectors and is fundamental to the development of new technologies, pharmaceuticals, the environment, education, manufacturing, and many other industries.

What does the current law contain?

In December 2001, a presidential initiative was introduced that sought to reform the Act to Promote Scientific and Technological Research in three key areas:

  1. Creation of a General Council
  2. Specific inter-secretariat coordination mechanisms
  3. Expanding the activities of the Permanent Forum on Science and Technology

After listening to the proposals and approaches expressed in various forums, the legislators decided not to reform the law to promote scientific and technological research, instead, a new law was promulgated in 2002. Science and technology, which made it possible to expand and diversify the administration contemplated in the original presidential initiative.

Tools for regionalization and decentralization of science and technology were promoted. In this sense, we must remember that the federal institutions established their own local science and technology councils, which allowed the creation of a coordination mechanism between the governments of the federal institutions and the National Scientific Conference, Conacyt. Technology and innovation.

What’s going on with the latest bill from the Federal Executive?

We can see that this is a regressive reform because:

  1. It is a centralist law as all plans and priorities emanate from a government board appointed directly and indirectly by the federal executive. That is, the positive inclusion of states and municipalities is erased with the stroke of a pen.
  2. It is guided by ideological paradigms such as non-intermediary and limits the participation of civil society and the private sector.
  3. We see as a setback that the participation of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education was not contemplated; Science and Technology Advisory Council; Also, a National Institute of Researchers and representatives of the manufacturing sector will be created in its construction and functioning of the National Humanities, Science, Technology and Innovation Council.
  4. This creates conflicts with the autonomy of universities and discourages actions that federal agencies and the private sector can undertake based on investments in research, innovation and technological development. This is against best international practices.
  5. There is no justification for the militarization of science and technology policy. There are no reasons justifying the incorporation of the National Defense Secretariat into the National Council.
  6. With regard to intellectual property rights, the Bill is inconsistent with the existing legal framework.
  7. We are of the opinion that the criteria for allotment of scholarships to students may create disadvantages if the criteria of the departments are taken as the basis, creating disparity in the public research policy.
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Our call goes out to the Congress of the Union, especially the representatives who are currently debating this reform, therefore:

  1. are asked All voices and fields Participates in the national agenda for innovation, education, science and technology development. Legislation of this scale can only succeed if it incorporates a comprehensive approach.
  2. An open parliamentary exercise is proposed This Wednesday, March 29. By all means avoid it ending up as a mere formality or a conversation of the deaf. We believe there is political will and consciousness to listen to the views of civil society and experts.
  3. It should be a reform approved by consensusMexico’s development is not a steamy endeavor as it is at stake.
  4. We urge you to focus on youth and students. They are the country’s present and future, and those who can take advantage of the explosion of innovation and scientific and technological development.
  5. Provision of public resources is essential And there are incentives for private investment. A law without evidence of its compliance remains a dead letter.
  6. Nearshoring and macrotrends are an opportunity. Although a law is designed to last over time, it must be flexible to changes in the world. We must not miss the enormous opportunity that both proximal and macrotrends open to us in favor of inclusion of all regions and young people who can benefit from both phenomena.
  7. Leverage positive experiences internationally: The countries known as the „Asian Tigers” (South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan) have experienced rapid economic growth in recent decades because they have invested in education, encouraged foreign investment, protected intellectual property rights, developed infrastructure, and promoted an aggressive trade policy focused on exports. .
  1. Public-Private Partnership: No one is better than everyone else. We have to work as a team. For example, South Korea offered incentives to encourage innovation and research and development, such as tax breaks, for companies that invested in R&D. Today, even in China, the government has a clear centralist view that the business sector is the engine of innovation, not the government; And in Japan officials have assumed a role as facilitators of these tasks.
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In this way, we are sure that the foundations can be laid for Mexico to become one of the main powers of the world, that is, our demographic bonus (with a very significant number of young people), our geographical position and. Proximity to the US, our many free trade agreements, access to ports in the Gulf and Pacific, our natural resources and energy potential; All it takes is the vision and desire to make Mexico a country that innovates and actively engages with its future. We insist, no one is better than all of us.

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