Mysterious Radiation Visible Around Baby Black Hole 'Morsels’: Science Alert

Nothing is permanent, including black holes. Like other large objects in the universe, over very long periods of time, they evaporate. This is due to the Hawking radiation, named after Stephen Hawking, who developed the idea in the 1970s.

The problem is that Hawking radiation has never been reliably observed.

European researchers think they’ve found a way to see all three Hawking radiation. Their work is in a paper titled „Measuring Hawking radiation from black hole morsels in astrophysical black hole mergers.”

Black hole mergers were predicted long ago, but never observed. Theory showed that these mergers should emit powerful gravitational waves. Finally, in 2015, the LIGO observatory detected the first link.

Now, scientists have discovered many of them.

In their abstract of the study letter, the researchers say these connections are a window into Hawking radiation (HR). When black holes merge, they eject asteroid-sized „morsel” black holes into space. Their small size should make their manhood detectable.

The HR from these small BHs produces gamma rays with a specific „fingerprint” of high-energy photons.

„In this letter, we examine the observational consequences of producing a large number of small pH morsels during a cataclysmic event such as the merger of two astronomical pHs,” the authors explain.

„As we show, Hawking radiation originating from these BH morsels produces gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with a unique signature.”

As black hole morsels evaporate, they release particles in a spherically symmetric shape. HR particles should reach us unless a large connected BH blocks their view. Photon energies from explosions exceed the trillion-electron volt (TeV) scale.

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Researchers say that the energy levels of gamma-ray bursts from these holes can be detected by atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes. High water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Laboratory. HAWC observes photons from 100 GeV to 100 TeV.

There are many questions. The authors state that these morsel pHs release more energy near their evaporation time. But when morsel BHs are emitted in the intense gravitational environment of a BH merger, their Hawking radiation can be affected.

This is true even though the morsels are released at a relative speed. Both of those factors can change their spectra before they reach our detectors.

There are points Standard model of particle physics Things fall apart because of our lack of understanding. The authors point out that some new, previously unobserved physics distorts the spectra from Morsel black holes, making them tricky to observe.

These asteroid-sized morsel black holes have another very interesting feature. Because the physics of the early universe was different, they could have been created then. If they were there and haven’t evaporated now, they could be dark matter.

„Thus, the observation of Hawking radiation from pH morsels is enlightening not only about the production of such morsels, but also about particle physics at energies beyond current and future collision experiments. Super symmetricaljoint dynamics or additional dimensions, to name a few,” the authors write.

This article was originally published Universe Today. Read on Original article.

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