Incubus’ next album was half-written after re-recording 'Morning View’

This month, Incubus reinvents itself with the release of one of their most beloved albums Morning Scene XXIIIA track-by-track re-recording of their 2001 album — and a return to their fourth studio album — may eventually accelerate the release of their ninth album.



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„This new edition [of Morning View] „This is a jumping off point as we’ve been steadily working on new music for the past several months,” says Incubus guitarist Mike Einsiger. advertisement board During a Zoom chat earlier this month. The band’s recent tour of Australia, New Zealand and Asia „took us away from that process a little bit,” Einziger continues, „but we’re jumping right back into it. It’s all revitalized us in new ways that are going to make new music from us, music that we’ve made before. Different than

Before Incubus started releasing 2017’s sequels 8However, they felt the need to reconsider Morning view, which included alt-rock hits like „Wish You Were Here” and „Nice to Know You” and debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 in October 2001. Singer Brandon Boyd says the band originally wanted to celebrate the 20th anniversary. Morning viewBut the pandemic prevented any comprehensive plans for 2021.

„So we did this livestream event from the room where we wrote and recorded it, which was a really fun challenge,” says Boyd. „I was listening to the live recording and it was good – but for me, it wasn’t good enough. Then we started playing around with the idea of ​​recording it properly.

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The thought resurfaced after Incubus performed last October Morning view In full during a performance at the Hollywood Bowl. „It felt like a real, very real connection from the audience to a group of songs we wrote a long time ago,” Einsiger adds. „It made me really excited about the idea of ​​re-recording these songs.”

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Stylistic twists on that Morning Scene XXIII Fan-friendly: „Echo,” for instance, gives the recently-turned-live blisters a whole extra minute to unfold, while the slow build of opener „Nice to Know You” stretches out and builds more muscle. Meanwhile, Boyd says the presence of new bassist Nicole Rowe, who officially stepped in for longtime bassist Ben Kenny last year, has „re-engaged” the rest of the band with her energy. „Re-recording this record reminded me again how lucky we are to write music in a room with people we love and admire.”

In late August, Incubus will begin a 10-date arena run, where they will perform in full. Morning view As well as other hits from their catalog. In the meantime, the band will continue to put together their next album, which will end Incubus’ long drought between releases between studio albums.

„We’ve already written half the record,” says Boyd. „We still have 30 ideas that we’re still chipping away at, and we feel like we’ve only just begun. I think the plan is to keep writing. [and] Let’s start recording while we write. The way people consume music now is very different than it ever was Morning view Released — We don’t have to have a finished album to release songs. … It’s fun to listen to an album front-to-back to see the full vision of the artist, but that doesn’t mean we can’t throw in a couple when we’re still writing the record, so that’s what we’re going to do.”

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