Technical Glossary: ​​What are Wireless Networks?

Technology is very useful in daily activities. (Infobae)

The Technology is a fundamental part Its influence will continue to increase in our daily activities throughout our lives and in the years to come, so we must all continue to grow at the same time.

The Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear that there are people who are unprepared Internet of Things, as they seemed foreign to many. They had to catch up quickly so as not to fall behind and maintain contact with activities and people they had to physically stop seeing.

Technology will continue affect our routineSo it is important not to stop expanding our knowledge in cloud space, metawares, USB, cryptocurrencies etc.

Technology is very useful in daily activities. (Freepik)

Wireless networks are communication between nodes through electromagnetic waves without using a wire or wired network.

For this type of connection, special ports are used that eliminate common physical connections such as Ethernet cabling.

This type of network appeared in the 1970s, thanks to a group of researchers led by Norman Abramson (computer engineer), who decided to build a packet switching system over a radio wave communication network.

The system was developed at the University of Hawaii Aloha, consisting of 7 computers located on various islands in the region. Computers are interconnected through a central server. However, they had some drawbacks that forced the development of MAC protocols.

After some time, the university was associated with the Urbannet network developed by the United States Department of Defense.

Wireless networks can be divided according to two main points: their range area and frequency range.

  • WPAN or Wireless Personal Area Network (Red Wireless Personal Area Network): This type of network has a range of approximately 10 meters. So, it only works with a maximum of two users together. In this type of network you can find connections like Bluetooth, ZigBee, Infrared etc.
  • WLAN or Wireless Local Area Network (Local Area Wireless Network): As it is based on Wi-Fi technology, it is a well-known wireless network at present. These technologies have longer reach than WPAN networks and are typically used indoors.
  • WMAN or Wireless Metropolitan Area Network: In this type of network, data can be transmitted at a higher range than the previous one. The range can be up to 20 km. An example of these networks is WiMAX technology.
  • WWAN or Wireless Wide Area Network: Finally, we have this type of wireless network that allows you to transfer information over long distances. Cell phone and microwave technologies are used for this. These types of networks include GSM, 3G, 4G and 5G technologies.
  • Terrestrial Microwaves: In this network, frequencies from 1 to 300 GHz are used, and for this, parabolic antennas with a diameter of about 3 meters are required, which emit microwave signals that reach several kilometers.
  • Satellite Microwave: Each satellite has its specific frequency band, but with greater range and speed. It is implemented through a link established between two or more base stations with a satellite suspended in the atmosphere.
  • Infrared: This type of network operates with asynchronous infrared light modulators that reach up to 300 GHz and 384 THz in terms of data transfer speeds and are aligned to transmit information. Their only drawback is that they cannot pass through walls.
  • Radio waves: Another type of well-known network can transmit and receive quality signals over long distances. Unlike the former, radio waves can pass through walls to reach the signal. These waves include AM, FM, HF, VHF etc.
Technology is an ally in people’s daily lives. (illustrative image information)

Although Technology is found in all areas of life, there may be people who don’t know how to use it yet or don’t know how to function properly in certain situations; However, the best way to continue like this is to expand your knowledge.

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For example, only a person who knows how to distinguish phishing can avoid being scammed and can warn others if they see something unusual on the sites they visit.

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